User profile: JanJal

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Many Condo complexes (小区) are giving Covid testing

Oh OK, makes more sense then.

In the past there were two guys at the counter, one reading QR and other taking sample. Wasn't paying attention how they use the bottles - I assumed they bottled each sample individually.

But today they separately scanned QRs and handed out empty container (I assume) to every 10th individual earlier in the queue, and that person would then carry it to the testing station.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Many Condo complexes (小区) are giving Covid testing

Testing stations seem to have changed to a system where swab samples from 10 consecutive individuals are collected in single container, and tested as a whole. If that batch (of individuals that happened to queue together) tests positive, then all 10 are called for individual re-testing.

Or so I was told - sounds a bit weird (knowing TIC), that all 10 have to go queue again, while fully knowing at least one of them was just tested positive.

Perhaps it was explained to me poorly - would make more sense, in local context, for hazmat suits to visit the individuals instead.

I suppose this speeds testing in situation where there aren't that many cases around - and saves resources.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Any Recent Passport Renewal Experience?

Don't know about UK, but for my country must go file the application in person (they confirm identity at that time, take finger prints etc). Pickup later yourself or by someone authorized with letter of attorney.

Since CoVid-19, you can apparently also arrange and prepay a courier service to pick up the enveloped passport and deliver to Kunming.

But for any country with attention to security, it sounds strange if everything could be done without going in person at all (neither for application nor pick-up).


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Speaking of potato, what's the favorite kind of street food potato you people have had in Kunming?

There is a strip along Beijing Lu about half-way between Baiyun Lu and North Railway Station, where there are several small eateries (and one big hot pot restaurant) on the west side of road.

One of those small shops sells potato slices which are apparently first cooked in oil, and then finished in another round of oil before being mixed with chili and some other spices.

You can probably find same kind of potato elsewhere in Kunming, at least there is sign outside which has contact number for franchising.

Very delicious, this has become my favorite potato dish in Kunming.

Yeah by "those who have a choice" I was referring to people who could pack up their family and leave the city or even the country if must. Should such people want to report about apparent corruption (would have to be first hand experience I guess) in education system, where would they do it in Kunming?

That restoration project sounds nice. Without knowing the details, it would be an interesting opportunity for the foreign community to do some volunteering, if it ever takes such form where it might be applicable.


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