Forums > Living in Kunming > Don't get scammed like I did LOL Yes, I went on a little shopping spree once I FINALLY got my taobao account working, and now that things are starting to come in, i'm finding that the customer service is really good, and delivery is fast. Despite all that crazy shit, I think I am still going to be able to count on Taobao after all.
And ps. yeah nanjing sucks the air is awful people there 特别没素质
Forums > Living in Kunming > violence at train station I will just be really interested to see who turns out to be responsible. Does anyone believe that the attackers were Uighur terrorists, or any info for or against that being the case? All the news referenced some "evidence" found on scene but failed to say what exactly... I just wonder why they would come all the way down here...
Forums > Living in Kunming > Don't get scammed like I did abcdabcd, DANG shoulda posted in the classifieds first, between all of the personal ads lol
Forums > Living in Kunming > Best Gyms in Kunming? @blobbles I think if you call it Bikram you have to feed the hungry hungry empire and pay lots of money, so at Haoheng, its just "hot yoga" haha.
Yeah 1600 was far too much, glad I didn't go in with them. I'm really happy at Haoheng, although it is a little far from where i live.
Sbarella, I live in Think UK now! We might have been neighbors haha. What is the gym over in this are that you used to go to?
Forums > Living in Kunming > Best Gyms in Kunming? @blobbles I think if you call it Bikram you have to feed the hungry hungry empire and pay lots of money, so at Haoheng, its just "hot yoga" haha.
Yeah 1600 was far too much, glad I didn't go in with them. I'm really happy at Haoheng, although it is a little far from where i live.
Sbarella, I live in Think UK now! We might have been neighbors haha. What is the gym over in this are that you used to go to?