User profile: redjon77

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Forum posts

Forums > Living in Kunming > violence at train station

So many idiots on foreign forums talking about how they never wanted to come to China and now for sure will never, like they never have mass killings in own countries. So single minded they beggar belief...

Forums > Living in Kunming > violence at train station

No police presence at all at midnight last night as arrived then at airport to a blissfully peaceful night enjoying fact I was back in good old Kunming after few days away, till heard news of mass killings but wouldn't expect local police to arrange any extra security measures that quickly anyway. Probably past bed time :o)

Forums > Food & Drink > Burger King

Can't believe thread still 'warm' after just starting with the simple question 'is it true BK opening on 22nd Feb'.


No results found.


Don't think nobody does anything from them style, more like 'I love GB' and was hoping to get into that with a Great Britain week here. Just a shame no real chance to!
I'd probably done more promotion with the amount of people I told to check it out week before....

My thoughts still same on eating out ;o) Just thinking funny article timing when I going through the usual once a month bad dish choice pains...
Maybe start calling it my chinese asexual period!!!



I went there for a meal this week not expecting to much as I had been let down by every other western food restaurant that I'd tried. But I was surprised and ate a very enjoyable meal with a wide range of selections to choose from. I'm looking forward to going back as it has many Italian favourites of mine on the menu that I'm looking forward to eating :)

Definitely now my favourite western restaurant in Kunming!