User profile: redjon77

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Forum posts

Forums > Living in Kunming > Why are you in Kunming/Yunnan?

I'm here to get to know the culture and hopefully pick up the language as i go but must say @yankee00 the experience with locals has not been that great! Seemed to be stared at by locals everywhere I go like I'm some sort of alien lol Still enjoying my time here though :o)

Forums > Food & Drink > eat dog meat?

Thanks for the help on how to comment... ^_^
Isn't posting on threads about 'knowing better than others' lol

Forums > Study > Seated and sitting

(A) maybe correct but I know (D) is the one that would be used by 90% of people in England!
English ain't to great at proper English lol


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I went there for a meal this week not expecting to much as I had been let down by every other western food restaurant that I'd tried. But I was surprised and ate a very enjoyable meal with a wide range of selections to choose from. I'm looking forward to going back as it has many Italian favourites of mine on the menu that I'm looking forward to eating :)

Definitely now my favourite western restaurant in Kunming!