Forums > Living in Kunming > Cost of Living 2015 Ok, so I'm going to give you a much lower estimate, but everything depends on your lifestyle.
Last year, I studied at KSTU, here is what my living costs looked like:
1. Housing: shared dorm room, 3 other girls, 1200 RMB / year.
It's a big change from living on your own, but you're at the foreigners' dorm, meet people (both foreigner and Chinese), are not alone if you get sick... and it's dirt cheap if you're low on cash.
2. Water and electricity bills. We paid up to 200 RMB for 3 months in the winter, using washing machines, electric heaters and heated blankets. Add 3 RMB for communal showers on rainy day (solar water heater in the dorms are very inefficient). So let's say 1000RMB a year.
3. Food. University cafeteria + oatmeal breakfast + fruits from the market approx 30RMB / day (could go much lower if you don't eat meat and cafeteria breakfast: 10~15/day). Count about 1000/ month without going out and no foreign food (unless you saved and ate just rice for a while)
4. Phone. I used to go by with about 20~25RMB a month. Using wifi most of the time and 2G for the occasional map lookup and e-mail / WeChat. Right now, 4G from China mobile costs me about 100 a month with 1G of data and plenty talk time/text. Unless you're streaming on you phone, that's quite a lot.
5. Shared internet: we paid 200 each for the entire year.
OK, so my minimum: 14, 700 RMB for the entire year.
That doesn't include buying necessities: Bedding (300 if you go to the markets), kettle / water dispenser (30~50), desk lamps (min 30 RMB each new), extension cords (20 min), hand warmers (50, warms you nicely in the winter, and if you're used to the cold, don't need a heater), laundry (by hand 0, dorm cleaner 5/3kg, or by a laundry machine), personal hygiene products vary, western ones are expensive