User profile: Inthelivinfor

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Missing Home... Euskal Herria!

I have not denigrated anyone with my words. What I said it is a description of the actual context(Spanish politics stink in every sense, and any local would be willing to admit it and the left side has lost the chance.... I have the feeling to be talking to extreme right sympathetics or Spanish people with a brainwash.

I am done with this topic. Agur

Forums > Living in Kunming > Missing Home... Euskal Herria!

It is not about nationalism, it is about human rights.
A unified what? I guess you don't know what you are saying. Spain is a peripheric European country, and France has lost the battle with its left political party in the unified Europe.

No nationalism... No passport.... No countries===>ok

But if not I just don't agree with you.

May I ask which country are you from? Because if you believe that there is a unified Europe... whether you come from a wealthy country in Europe or from another continent.

Egin dezagun topa

Hil da Europa!

Forums > Living in Kunming > Tupperwares

tigertiger-> thanks fo the tips... I dont really enjoy cooking so that's not an option. LOL And yes i buy in bulk as much as i can but sometimes it is just not possible.

I must admit i suffer a sever (夸张)Cocacola addiction, that even if i have tried... i never get to succed in quiting Coke...

Shyam. Gosh you are an expert in the topic hahahahah i will look for those gladware containers. And the food in the picture of that article seems to be yummi XD

i guess it is time for lunch XD

Forums > Living in Kunming > Tupperwares

I wish i could do something about it.

Everyday my trash is full of stupid plastic... Is not even normal. i must take the rubbish once a day.

Yesterday i bought some buiscuits in a random shop and if there were 12 buiscuits... the all were wrapped in their indiviual plastic folder. I regret buying it... but how on earth is this posible? It is just too much.

In a county of the Basque Country a new recycling system is going on right now. It is compulsory to recycle or you get a fine. Somehow we have understood there is some stuff to be done about it (although i would push polititians to lower down the plastic use) and in the future is gonna be similar in other Countries ( i guess ).

I must admit there is a lot of controversy with all this recycling sistem and there was a big buzz about it.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Missing Home... Euskal Herria!

Well. The march was a full succes.

130.000 people were asking for peace.

Today the Spanish Court has put into jail 8 people.

Spain stinks and the French goverment don't even care.


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i was there and they were really kind to me as i was a little worried.

You can take an hiv test for 5 or 20 kuai.

No need to show your passport :)