so if it s in caixin as alex stated
it is not censored, is it?
would gok have any explanations, please?
so if it s in caixin as alex stated
it is not censored, is it?
would gok have any explanations, please?
well, i saw it with my own eyes, just check
i do not understand why some here and other medias say the doc is banned.
i asked a friend and she showed me the doc on
it does not seem banned at all.
gok, any explanation?
new concept english lolo. about the only available book i ve seen in kunming bookshops!
i am not very enthusiastic about them...
actually i have been specified kids would b from 8 to 11, so really young and beginners
any specific?
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Their produce ?
Animal life, which includes yours, seems alienated.
Project Yishi Drolma - from Tibetan nomad to trail runner
Posted byTashi dele losar also to Pavel ! Say hello to our karma kagyu master, Venerable Gompo Lama, if u cross him !
Project Yishi Drolma - from Tibetan nomad to trail runner
Posted byFelt any nagas (tib:lu,snake spirits)under the ground ? a good research but again shoes wont help
Project Yishi Drolma - from Tibetan nomad to trail runner
Posted byRunning in the mountains is great. I have a theory that up and down are the same.
Letting urself go, in wuwei, following dao, u can run pretty fast in a mountain.
But shoes do not seem a good idea.
Say tashi dele to yeshi, peace, love !
China moves to lessen air pollution, Yunnan excluded
Posted byIn Kunming the buses seem awfully polluting, leaving big black clouds.
Hope this might not angry mountain spirits.
Myanmar to Tibet: Hiking the Dulong, part I
Posted byI always wonder when people talk about GOOD meal, GOOD food, what do they mean by GOOD ?
Is it a good sensation or good in an ethical meaning ?
For instance, eating human flesh or deprived of freedom animal, would also probably taste good.