@alex, r u sure haagen daz is nonviolent with.the cows they use the milk with?
dont they force bulls and cows into artificial insemination? dont they divide parents and kids? etc...
@alex, r u sure haagen daz is nonviolent with.the cows they use the milk with?
dont they force bulls and cows into artificial insemination? dont they divide parents and kids? etc...
i would have loved to come and discuss mo yan and his expressions on history but poet gf first!
if any1 has a copy to spare afterward, please let me know!
o m mari pe meiyou
pro dyonysos/daonusoha philosophya?/?
state market economic entity...
would you mind explaining a bit more alien? for instance, who owns the company:federal state, regional entities/ how are workers related to decision?
in the case of kunming buses i guess is not federal state has direct ownership... then the city?
and in general what types of ownerships exist in modern china...
138rmb is VERY expensive
anyone would have a copy to spare? i am totally broke. interested by the topic of the book but disgusted by the capitalist price
so are they public companies? what system of ownership is that? do workers have a right in decisions like in anarchist cooperatives?
No results found.
Their produce ?
Animal life, which includes yours, seems alienated.
A look back at April's Spirit Tribe Trance celebration
Posted byCool you do this... non-violence for animals...
Om mani pe mehung/.//??
pro dionusos philosophies ??
Monkey mayhem descends on downtown Kunming
Posted byja, well, you can keep animals in cages where they dont have any freedom, that s ok with most, achso...
good luck fire monkeys year!
Yunnan Foreign Business Club charity event for Heart to Heart
Posted bycool... i try to send some of my business students there... keep the business, the exchange and the charity
Om mari pe mehung/.//¿?
pro di onu sos philosophies ¿?
Interview: A farewell chat with Joost Meester
Posted byjoost is a cool guy, peace and love to him and family
i remember that page of magister ludy by herman hesse went off at moondog, talking about pythagoras, the ancient greek mathematicyan and philosopher
peta gora!
Summiting Yunnan's Jidege Mountain
Posted bynice story
hope tourism wont bring garbage and pollution