well, happy to c there are some few book lovers left, such as john and ness... my lonely life feels less alone...
for next meeting, i propose ancient greek meeting with ancient india
1 dionysos travel to india: a must read poem by nonnus of panoplis (b careful! unfortunatly too much violence, like in most greeks' public myths. they mzy have learned non-violence from india)
2 scepticism, already present in socrate's confession of ignorance, took a strong breathe when inquiring indians' culture and buddhism, starting with pirrho
therefore we may read sextus empiricus: outline of pyrrhonism
ok la?
A look back at April's Spirit Tribe Trance celebration
Posted byCool you do this... non-violence for animals...
Om mani pe mehung/.//??
pro dionusos philosophies ??
Monkey mayhem descends on downtown Kunming
Posted byja, well, you can keep animals in cages where they dont have any freedom, that s ok with most, achso...
good luck fire monkeys year!
Yunnan Foreign Business Club charity event for Heart to Heart
Posted bycool... i try to send some of my business students there... keep the business, the exchange and the charity
Om mari pe mehung/.//¿?
pro di onu sos philosophies ¿?
Interview: A farewell chat with Joost Meester
Posted byjoost is a cool guy, peace and love to him and family
i remember that page of magister ludy by herman hesse went off at moondog, talking about pythagoras, the ancient greek mathematicyan and philosopher
peta gora!
Summiting Yunnan's Jidege Mountain
Posted bynice story
hope tourism wont bring garbage and pollution