Forums > Living in Kunming > Maintaining a United States phone # in Kunming For the seven years have lived outside USA and 6 of those in China have used magic jack. You can buy in Target or Walmart stores. You pick a USA phone number and you can use your phone or computer to make or receive phone calls anywhere you have internet. You also get voice mail for your phone number, and text messaging, plus many extras. Cost has went up a little but around $30 a year.
Forums > Food & Drink > Hamburger Buns In KMG? Wicker basket for years good bakery
Forums > Living in Kunming > Spat with Kim Maybe they thought Scouser was fricken Dennis Rodman.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Civilized Kunming My experience was typical for Nanning but never remember ever happening in Kunming.
Forums > Living in Kunming > VPN:s still working? Maybe reason announced enforcement so far in advance is to get feedback from businesses and people as to negative impact. Party does not want to give people another reason to be angry.
Chinese student apologizes after Maryland graduation speech sparks firestorm
Posted by@hehehe, hopefully you do not claim to be educated there because obviously you cannot read or do not understand the difference between the weather and clean air.
Committee proposes renaming Kunming's Dongfeng Square
Posted byAnother half empty tall office building.
Committee proposes renaming Kunming's Dongfeng Square
Posted byJust what Kunming needs, another tall office building
Kunming police begin drive to register e-bikes citywide
Posted bycameras, cameras, everywhere cameras. You think they are not watching, especially with facial recognition software now.
Kunming to put 45,000 public use bikes on roads
Posted byPeter, think program is far from breaking down, i see hundreds of these bikes being ridden everyday. My understanding is the companies have purchased so many of these bikes that the cost is very low, so i am sure they have build in a good size damage and loss ratio for the idiots that choose to not follow the rules or damage the bikes. From what i can see the bigger problem bigger than the damage to bikes is the ones being hidden and locked up for the owners personal use.