There is a camera shop on Beijing Lu just south of DongFeng Lu intersection that I have used. It is in a plaza set back away from the road with both Kodak and Canon signs. The repair shop is on the second floor and is a Canon authorized repair center. They probably repair other brands as well.
unless it has changed recently, you need to go to the entry-exit inspection hospital located near the airport. It is on a side street off of airport road.
Anyone have any experience/info on this? Is there a place to get US documents notarized here, for use in the US? I know the consulate in Chengdu will do but trying to find something here first...
one suggestion... make sure your phone number is included on the package with the address... we recently got a phone call from the post office, they had a package for us that we were not expecting, sent by a friend who did not use the tape on label with characters that we usually have people use when sending us things. They instead used an address that did not even have our complex address in pinyin, but rather the English translation of the characters(--- garden). But, it had our phone number, and after telling the post office the proper address, we received the package... may not work every time but I was certainly surprised that it worked for us!