im going to kunming to visit home in 2 weeks! i wanna go to kunming to find out about laws and how many percent it is to legalise herbs like in urayguay. im doing a travel living kinda write up on students and their vices compared to more open countries. i am a freedom loving child myself bu i admire n respect soem aspects of restrictiions china has set. n how everyoen can still be so graceful about it and live happily. do advice if you are free to meet up for coffee over some live music at a good bar =]
Hello im going back to kunming on 15th feb. anyone wanna hang out and chat about china's music scene/ art scene/ maybe i can tell you about singapore and bali and we can go for some live music? i do smoke and drink but its not a must, just wanna know if i can find certain items in kunming like its easily accesible as in other countries, legalised countries especially. im a freelance painter and writer would like to write about cultural differences ect.. hit me up thanks =]
sounds really deli... i wanna eat all those things you people mentioned lol! as for now, i am going to kunming in 2 weeks, so im looking forward to the extra sweet pumpkins and green grapes sour, peaches and taste of vegetables there. for some reason i rememeber better tasting vegtables in km than in sg where im at right nw
Hi Guys! im flying back to kunming in 3rd week of feb, would really appreciate if any of you could email me at and guide me a little. i was born in kunming but have been living in tropical singapore all my life.. just need a get-back-to-my-roots trip and make some english speaking friends while at it. i smoke, light drinking, need advice on good pubs with good music/ cheap smokes ect. my aunt teaches music in one of the schools so i'll be doing a fair bit of visiting for the first couple days. feel free to shower me with your advices and even questions =)