Forums > Study > Learning Chinese Business Practices Let me say it differently, unless you like gambling or high risk investments, it doesn't matter if you know Chinese business manners and practices, or not.
It is all in the hands of your potential partners.
The potential partner, will display his options and judge you not by the business etiquette but what he or she can use against you, to his advantage.
If you are LUCKY and he is pleased and he personally likes you and you plan, he may cooperate and you have a long and prosperous future, until he doesn't need you anymore and drop you, as you have no real power to win against him in a court. So he can act as he pleases.
Keep him happy!
If you give him a hongbao or not, if you invite an official to a banquette, or not, is not up to your try or effort but how much that person feels, thinks of you, or can benefit from you.
If you are a well planned strategist-business planner, China has too many variables and potential obstacles and risk factors. Even if you have a fantastic product, location is great, distribution network is tip-top, quality is amazing and marketing and sales is top (=an USUALLY fail-safe business plan) the chance to fail is still 50% in China (maybe even higher).
That is why many companies, even the top brands are seriously considering moving away from China,
plus a whole bunch of other major problems.
In terms of business etiquette, I saw loads of owners doing everything right, by Chinese business standards, but they still got axed, or didn't get the bid and that is the more upbeat options, as I said, I have seen my contracts been flushed down the toilet and lawyers telling me, that to win the lawyer battles I don't have the connections or budget.
So as Tiger Tiger stated. Set up a company in the family, get investments from the family as well as any other NEEDS for setting up the business. It's still a high risk by international standards, but much lower, as family is tighter than outsiders.
Usually families have a few rich uncles and aunts trying to evade taxes by investing in start ups and new business ventures.
Wrongful murder conviction spawns US$1.45 million lawsuit
Posted byDoes anyone know who poisened the baby?
As much as the article said, it still isn't clear who is the murderer.
Why exactly was she pardoned? Any new suspects or evidence?
Chinese village turns to mass divorce in face of impending demolition
Posted byAlso away from the ethic issue (if you think, that there is an issue). It has serious implications, if they get just one flat, ownership, inheritance, banking, general ownership of land, ....there is plenty of stuff, that needs to be thought and taken care off.
If they get lucky and get 2 flats, lucky them. But if not, well... I guess they could just marry again. Still not bad, throwing a big wedding party at an old timers age. lol
Chinese village turns to mass divorce in face of impending demolition
Posted by@king
Oh and yeah my grandparents were never faced with that life shattering dilemma, they were just busy with surviving. So, they were luckier than those old folks in the article. Some people are lucky that they can trade a
Chinese village turns to mass divorce in face of impending demolition
Posted by@king
You are totally right. 45 years, some of them went. They have seen the darkest parts of Chinese history and survived famines and cultural revolution, without a problem. But the moment they can cash in, there marriage their certificates......- boooooom !!!! They are running to the divorce lawyer.
As I said, as divorced seniors, my parents could make some extra bucks. But they are probably stupid and not loving each other enough, to file for divorce.
I know I am questioning something Chinese, so I understand your frustration and potential hatred. ;)
Chinese village turns to mass divorce in face of impending demolition
Posted by@king
It's greed, you can turn it as much as you want. It's still greed.
So, how are they committed to each other? Their vows? Love? Commitment?
Would you mind to elaborate?
But you know what? I don't even disagree but would you just cancel your marriage for the slim CHANCE of getting a free flat?
What message does it send? How does it feel?
But for me my marriage (and the red book as proof) certificate that comes with it. Means more than a joker card.
But again I am questioning something Chinese so I understand the hatred.
Do you know a lot about traditional Chinese marriage? What it is built on, the cornerstones of a Chinese marriage?
If they wanted to go after more money or better flats, they could go for it as a couple. Better deals have been negotiated plenty of times, without throwing away your marriage.
But greed is greed, so why take the hard road.