Forums > Travel Yunnan > Covid testing, Anyone had one done in Kunming. @duke You can't get vaccinated in Cali either. The process is crap as appointments + ID + proof of residence required (utility bill). Getting an appointment is like a lottery. In my county, there are four locations doing 60 jabs an hour, and a week's worth of appointments are booked in less than an hour. Then there are side effects to the vaccine. I suffered for 10 days but some folks have no problem at all.
I tried to find info on transit passengers but no luck. Travelers from China rules are different depending on if you are a US citizen or not. Lots of restrictions if you want to enter from China.
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Covid testing, Anyone had one done in Kunming. @duke: Latest info at LAX, April 5, 2021:
Travel and Quarantine Requirements as of April 5, 2021
Required City of Los Angeles Traveler Form
Travelers arriving into LAX from outside California are required to fill out the online City of Los Angeles Traveler Form, acknowledging they have read, understand and will abide by the LA County Department of Public Health's Travel Requirement, and understand the State of California’s Travel Advisory. Travelers over the age of 16 must submit this form online prior to or upon arrival at Los Angeles International Airport, Van Nuys Airport, or Union Station. Failure to submit the form is punishable by a fine of up to $500
Quarantine Guidelines for LA County
As of April 5th, 2021, the LA County travel advisory allows fully vaccinated individuals arriving into LA County to no longer have to self-quarantine provided they follow safety recommendations.
All unvaccinated non-essential travelers arriving in or returning to the County of Los Angeles from other states or countries must:
Quarantine for seven full days after travel if they get a negative COVID-19 viral test result collected 3-5 days after their arrival.
Quarantine for 10 full days after travel if they did not get tested with a COVID-19 viral test after their travel.
Self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days after travel, avoid being around people who are at increased risk for severe illness and isolate and get tested if symptoms develop.
More Information:
The LA County Travel Advisory and Guidance and further information related to it can be found here:
The State of California Travel Advisory can be found here:[...]
Forums > Living in Kunming > Eye exam/New glasses Bright Eye Hospital on Longquan Road, about 200 meters south of Baiyuan Road and Carrefour, solved my difficult and tricky post-stroke vision problem. How difficult? In the US, I need the lenses hand-made at $1,400 USD a pair. Bright Eye did better work than glasses I had made in California, and Hong Kong, or Beijing, for about 1200 RMB.
I also had cataract surgery done there. Excellent work.
Forums > Living in Kunming > COVID 19 vaccine for foreigners BoJoke
Oh yes, here is another extreme far right conspiracy website with very low factual reporting rating:
Stop doing anal Covid tests on our citizens, Japan tells China
Anal swabs cause ‘great psychological pain’, says Japan’s chief cabinet secretary.[...]
Forums > Living in Kunming > COVID 19 vaccine for foreigners BoJoke
New York Times:
China subjects some travelers to anal swabs, angering foreign governments.
March 5, 2021, 2:39 a.m. ET By Vivian Wang"[...]
And Newsweek:
An employee for the epidemic control department in the Daxing district of Beijing told the Global Times, a Chinese state-run newspaper, that "general international travelers" will be subject to anal swab tests in addition to nasal swabs."[...]
And Reuters:
BEIJING (Reuters) - Foreign visitors have been upset by China’s anal swab tests for COVID-19, prompting complaints of inconvenience and even psychological trauma, and stoking debate over their necessity. A few cities, such as the capital, Beijing, Shanghai and the port city of Qingdao require the checks, in addition to nasal or throat swab tests, for some international arrivals, state media say.[...]
And Washington Post:
Chinese state media outlets introduced the new protocol in recent days, prompting widespread discussion and some outrage. Some Chinese doctors say the science is there. Recovering patients, they say, have continued to test positive through samples from the lower digestive tract days after nasal and throat swabs came back negative.[...]
You sir, can just bend over.
China to phase out fossil fuel cars, boost domestic electric vehicle industry
Posted by@bilingualexpat: No need to apologize, ad hominem attacks to be expected when one hold contrarian positions on common knowledge topics and engages in discussions.
Another fun fact for you: In 2016, China ADDED 48GW, or 5.4%, to production capacity of coal fired electricity generation.
To be fair, power production stats in China are soft at best. Circa 2008, when GDP growth around the world were flat or declining, China posted GDP increase of 6.5% AND a decline in electricity production of 16% for the same period. WTF? Trends for GDP and electricity heretofore had consistently tracked. For 4-6 months electricity production was omitted from monthly and quarterly reports.
Sifting through reports, it is difficult find evidence of any reduction in either aggregate capacity or generation. In fact, the Paris deal allows China to keep increasing her carbon footprint until it peaks in 2030. Only then has China agreed to begin reducing use of coal.
China has been importing coal from NORK, In June, China announced she would curtail such imports. Given that in June the demand for coal drops significantly, I believe China.
China to phase out fossil fuel cars, boost domestic electric vehicle industry
Posted by@bilingualexpat: Your claim "now you're arguing against EV production in China" is a figment of your ideology warped thought process. I know you need to attack me rather than deal with the unsustainability of EV production but so be it.
You claim a 9% reduction in coal production AND then claim coal consumption has fallen 4.7%. Interesting. Do you seriously claim production has declined so much more than use? Does that make sense?
How does China increase electric generation capacity using coal 5.4% while producing less coal, 9%, and consuming less, 4.7%, coal?
I will leave it to you to dive into the study of China's inconsistent economic statistics. I've been doing it for more than 30 years and usually hit a WTF point sooner than later.
China to phase out fossil fuel cars, boost domestic electric vehicle industry
Posted by"China is banning traditional auto engines. Its aim: electric car domination"[...]
(Note: This article was posted 170911 @ 6pm PDT - About 18 hours AFTER my first comment above)
China to phase out fossil fuel cars, boost domestic electric vehicle industry
Posted by@Alien: Who do you think? Try a guess.
China to phase out fossil fuel cars, boost domestic electric vehicle industry
Posted byIn 2016, 59% of China's electricity was produced in coal fired plants.
17% of the electricity produced by wind power went unused in China.
In 2016, China increased total electrical power production capacity 7.7% and coal production capacity grew 5.4%, or 39% of the capacity increase.
Unlike Norway, China's hydro generation is only 21% of capacity.
The underlying problem is a power grid built without market considerations. Forcing increased demand for electricity consumption will not ease environmental pressures.