Taught simple English to kids 6-8 years old. About 40 kids in a class. They paid 30RMB for a class and I was paid 250RMB. Taught the same material for 8 class a day (sat and Sun). The school got about 19,000 per weekend and I got 8,000. And, yes I did get paid all of it. In Changping near Beijing.
Taught at a private school in Beijing, Students paid 80,000 a year plus living, plus food, plus books, plus, plus. Subject teachers, not English teachers, were paid 10,000 a month, foreign and Chinese both for 12 hours max. Most taught 8 hours for Math, Chemistry, Physics, Accounting, Statistics, etc. all A level courses with UK books. Silly owners fired the headmaster who took 80% of the students to his own new school. This school folded I think.
Private schools usually get the tuition and boarding fees upfront. They tend to run out of money toward the end of the year which makes return air ticket money iffy.
Breakeven depends on rent and the number of non teaching staff, you know the guys that hang around all day reading newspapers and plying cards. One private school I worked at had 65 Chinese and foreign teachers with over 200 total staff most of which did little or nothing.
Rent is a mystery. One school paid annual rent of 25% of tuition collected - this school folded. Other schools had cost reduction programs, firing teachers or abusive fines. Fines for failing to report to a class when the time and day had been changed but kept a secret from the teachers. Class schedules and notices are sometimes posted in Chinese in areas the foreign teachers don't frequent.
I don't usually teach English and usually get to pick the text with the requirement the text be less than 3 years old.
Private schools hire foreign teachers for marketing reasons. My face has appeared all over the place and my resume greatly enhanced (in Chinese).
If foreign teachers get paid more at a private school, tough, the smiling white faces bring in the revenue and job opportunities for Chinese teachers.
I have also worked at two government universities. At both schools, Chinese professors taught less hours and earned more money. I gather the Chinese get a basic salary, around 1200 at my uni, then get paid for hours times a factor (prep or difficulty) and also extra money for extra assignments. One Prof said his 1200 was upped to more than 4500 based on the pay scheme. Me? I get 3700 for 9 class hours contact time but that is 11 paid hours if I was paid according to the Chinese scheme.
Study: Air pollution causes loss of intelligence
Posted byThis study is extremely interesting, The researchers are primarily Chinese and the subjects were all Chinese. I tried to read the report but decided not to spend the $10 USD to download it.
One concern is the study is an "interdisciplinary collaboration" which in China can mean a pile on of names in search of published works. Also I could find many reports of the study being published but no mention of peer review.
An NPR article says "New paper finds that air pollution affects cognitive performance. A person with an average score under Chinese pollution levels would outperform 13% more test-takers under US air quality standards." Additionally, there is some skepticism by a scientist who studies brain damage.
I tend to be skeptical of Chinese research although this study adds to my concerns about the level of China's pollution, For several years I tracked birth defect rates in China but the information stopped being published when the birth defect rate in Beijing reached nearly 2%
NPR article: www.npr.org/[...]
China-South Asia Expo takes over Kunming
Posted byChina and Afghanistan share a short border on an ancient trade route. China has closed the border and is resisting Afghanistan's requests to reopen it. Related to the Uighur problem it is said.
China-South Asia Expo takes over Kunming
Posted byNot yet anyway. China seems to prefer the Talban.
How to cook a spicy Yunnan specialty: Ghost chicken
Posted byTry Yingjiang Daiweiyuan, 盈江傣味园.
昆明翠湖北路66号 66 Cuihu N Rd,
This was my favorite Dai place in the Green Lake area, in the north side of the street across from the park. The place fills up quickly for dinner so go early. Never had Ghost Chicken there but everything was excellent.
In interview, Yunnan Party chief stresses ending poverty
Posted byMy guess is that lowering poverty to zero is asymptotical because people are involved. As long as China maintains a $1 per day poverty line, the statistical eradication of poverty will always be impressive. If China adopts The World Bank $1.90 per day there would be a whole lot more people in poverty. Clearly that statistic would not be welcome.
I am not sure what "economic justice" is. Perhaps everyone that has less than someone else is a victim of unfair "economic justice." I suspect, however, that there is no such thing as quantifiable "economic justice" and the term will become an arrow in the social justice warrior's quiver in the struggle for equaity.
A recent tweet on twitter (complete and unedited):
"white women also owe women of color money. this is part of economic justice and justice in general. seeking the economic liberation of all women and the end of capitalism and patriarchy demands white women's accountability. this is possible. not neat or simple, but possible."