Forums > Living in Kunming > Justice? Aren't you being a bit naive mate? Sure the guy sounds like a douche (or an in-over-his-head 23 year old in a bad situation, who knows?) but you're talking about the police, badgering his work mates for information and blaming his school for not providing you with his class schedule. 1.Based on your post I can't see he's done anything illegal. 2. Any workmate would be better off not getting involved. 3. I'm fairly sure even in China they're not allowed to hand out personal information to random people.
I don't even know why you're posting here since clearly there's no legal case. If you just want to vent that's fine I guess, but I hope you're not trying to rile up GoKunming and the forum people to dish out 'justice' in a case we know nothing about, a guy we don't know and a messed up personal situation we only get to hear from one side.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Wedding Photos!!! Don't get your hopes up. This is China, they'll just grab anything from the internet for free and not care about who has which rights. They had a huge Arnold Schwarzenegger sign outside a gym in Beichen for years and somehow I doubt he got compensated.
Forums > Living in Kunming > My brand new electric scooter was stolen today Kunming SWAT hasn't had much to do lately and if their snipers need practice, how about baiting a couple of scooters around town? Sniper on a nearby roof. If some bastard tries to steal it BLAM! Everybody wins.
Forums > Living in Kunming > To the person who sent me an anonymous email Has anyone considered that Crazy.Laowai might be a troll? He's been writing slightly off posts and threads since before he (supposedly) came to Yunnan. Also, he seems to be running into an awful lot of trouble ("Help me buy a scooter!", "Want to pay 100 kuai for a Chinese tutor", "Kunming this and Kunming that", I'm sure you can find more examples easily on his posting history). To be honest, some of his writing reminds me of Gaoxing but of course from a different angle. He's either a bit weird or a troll IMO.
Zhaotong official may face resentencing following weibo uproar
Posted by4 years?? Back in Scandinavia we have some of the most lenient sentences in the world, but raping a 4 year old would land you at least double that, or a spot in an mental institution. This is the problem with corruption, if his friends and acquaintances on the other side of the law aren't playing along, he's going to take them down with him. Please don't tweet this more than 499 times. I want to stay harmonious.
Shangri-la hit by 5.9 earthquake
Posted byI don't know what kind of geologist would "expect" an even larger quake within 10 days. The release of tension in the 5.9 and the subsequent aftershocks ought to significantly LOWER the chance of quakes until the tension rebuilds, which of course could take anything from a year to a hundred. I have no idea why anyone would try to install fear in people like that when scientific evidence -or rather, past experience in this case- suggests that such events are unlikely, but yeah, of course can not be ruled out.
Kunming's metro could cost 300 billion yuan
Posted byUnderbid everyone else. Begin kickback schemes. Triple the costs later. Classic Chinese licitation approach.
Details emerge in Yunnan's largest-ever gutter oil case
Posted byI'm not a proponent of capital punishment but this is a case seriously testing my feelings. If you can earn yourself a bullet to the head for holding on to more than 20 grams of hard drugs, where is the equivalent for greedy, ruthless people who knowingly conspire to risk the health of hundreds of thousands of their customers? You know what, maybe chopping off a few heads could set an example for other sociopaths to behold.
Rhinos reintroduced to Yunnan
Posted byConsidering the price of rhino horn in China due to TCM superstition, sadly I think it's only a matter of time before one or more are poached.