User profile: Danmairen

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Who majored in Finance?

I know nothing about finance whatsoever, but since this is the internet I'm ready to contribute half-baked ideas, clueless assumptions and invent arguments ad hoc. Count me in.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Laowai in Beijing trys to rape girl...

Blobbles, I think we're on the same page on some issues here but I feel uncomfortable being lodged in the same camp as the guy from that video. I know it's not your call, but the average passive-aggressive netizen who tends to lump us all together. Not much to be done about that I guess. Furthermore, the guy looks to be British-Asian, probably Pakistani AND he's a pitbull and a cheap 2 litre bottle of cider short of looking like the standard Mancunian drug dealer. I and most expats here have virtually nothing in common with this chav piece of human excrement, so when I read Chinese comments speaking of 'Lao wai scum', 'hunt them down and kill them', 'keep China pure' and 'beat him to death and throw him in the river' I do feel puzzled and rather scared of the ignorance, mob mentality and the general hate ill concealed below a thin layer of apathy you often see on the Chinese internetz against anyone standing out during moments of rage: the rich, the police, foreigners, women, Xinjiang people, the middle class, home owners, people with cars, the Japanese, America, the South China Sea countries. It's a powder keg and too many people are fighting to light the fuse, often on shaky grounds.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Laowai in Beijing trys to rape girl...

"I am trying to stop other lao wai doing the same by reinforcing to all lao wai that this behaviour is not acceptable. I hope this is clear."

Are we as a group in need of being told not to go around casually raping the locals? I mean, we all do a bit of raping from time to time, that is only to be expected of course, but I'm glad finally being informed that it is in fact not acceptable behaviour. I'll be sure to tell my acquaintances and fellow lao wai to stop the raping immediately.

As a little counter, here is a lao wai who got beat up by a gang of thieves for trying to help a Chinese girl, while not a single Chinese person helped him and 2 PSB officers refused to intervene because it's not their jurisdiction.[...]

Forums > Living in Kunming > What is the average hourly wage?

2-3000 for recent graduates, maybe even less. With 3-5 years of experience (so that they actually know what they're doing) and you're looking at 4-5000 for the better ones. Don't expect much loyalty or reliability unless you really put in an effort. Chinese graduates are constantly looking for jobs and switch frequently. If you pay them shit wages and hand them long hours and few days off, they'll probably all be gone within 3 months. Also, you'll not be getting top university grads for this kind of money but from Kunming colleges, which is a bit hit-and-miss.

University students are cheaper but can't work full time of course.


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Since when did a 1 kilometre run become an 'endurance' test? During handball and football practice, our endurance training was rarely less than a 5 km run. Apart from that, many of my students talk enthusiastically about sports but when do they have time to train? My high school kids attend school 7 days a week, 6 of those from 8 morning to 11 at night (with 2x 1.5 hours breaks) and the little time left not spent at school is used for homework and what few extracurricular activities they have left, and they are always study related. At the start of this semester when a 1-on-1 student began 10th grade she finally had to give up on her piano lessons and her track and field (which she had enjoyed immensely) as well as her extra maths lessons because there's just no way for her to keep it up. Hell, even finding time for her private English lessons took 2 weeks of sorting out her schedule and intense planning. Before China begins complaining about the priorities of the youngsters, they ought to take a good, hard look at how the educational business is conducted and how teenagers are treated in this setting.

They have one of those here in Tengchong. They're noisy but people seem to enjoy it. The water wall projection is so-so but the laser/fountain thingy set to music looks very nice. I agree with Dazzer by the way that it it's a bit of an eye sore when the nozzles and the pipes protrude the water. Don't expect the movies to look spectacular though. When the novelty's worn off you find yourself struggling to figure out what's on 'screen'. The photo on top is definitely taken during one of the brighter moments.

Against capital punishment per definition here. Also, in China a bullet to the neck normally happens less than a month after the sentence and then that's it. These guys won't suffer, it will just be over. Personally I'd like them to spend life in a Chinese prison/work camp, every day like hell. Somehow seems more fitting.

30.000 a month for such a tiny place? Does The Box have 4-5 floors above it I'm not aware of included in that price? You could find cheaper storefronts in London's W2 no problem. The businesses ought to sit down together and all decide to move to another accessible area, sign cheaper 5 year leases and collectively raise their middle fingers to the greedy bastards at Wenhua Xiang.

Nice job allowing an insane murderer back into society so he could kill countless more people, eat their flesh and stack their eyeballs. That's what you get when you're focused on punishment and not rehabilitation, have nothing in place to do something about the mentally ill or some functioning psychiatric system able to determine if someone is fit to be released. Also, 4 YEARS to figure out who did this in a relatively small town where an insane loner with stacked human flesh on his property lives?? No one managed to tip off the police that, you know, just maybe they should go take a look at this guy's property?



Went there yesterday and it totally made my week. Nice decor and friendly staff and a real salad bar. Sadly we both wanted mexican food so I can't really say much about their other courses. The food was great but just a tad spicier would have improved the dish. The best thing was that we almost had the place to ourselves and we could have a quiet conversation without shouting, spitting Chinese people in the background. I realised how much I had missed that since coming here.


We went to Chicago Coffee a couple of days ago and it was a nice experience. The place is cozy with soft comfy chairs (I realized how much I have missed one since coming here) and they have a nice little collection of English language books in the corner consisting mainly of classics and travel litterature. I was looking forward to trying their advertized tortilla bar but it wasn't up and running that evening.

Instead we went for 2 12 inch pizzas -roast chicken and pepperoni- but we quickly realized that 1 would have been enough. Those things are heavy. I am mainly into Italian style pizza but Chicago's double layered pizzas are well worth a try. Their coffee seems to be a bit on the expensive side but people say good things about it and they have got a nice selection. I wouldn't mind dropping by again some day,, hopefully when they've got the tortilla thing going. English speaking staff btw.