Forums > Living in Kunming > Justice? Aren't you being a bit naive mate? Sure the guy sounds like a douche (or an in-over-his-head 23 year old in a bad situation, who knows?) but you're talking about the police, badgering his work mates for information and blaming his school for not providing you with his class schedule. 1.Based on your post I can't see he's done anything illegal. 2. Any workmate would be better off not getting involved. 3. I'm fairly sure even in China they're not allowed to hand out personal information to random people.
I don't even know why you're posting here since clearly there's no legal case. If you just want to vent that's fine I guess, but I hope you're not trying to rile up GoKunming and the forum people to dish out 'justice' in a case we know nothing about, a guy we don't know and a messed up personal situation we only get to hear from one side.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Wedding Photos!!! Don't get your hopes up. This is China, they'll just grab anything from the internet for free and not care about who has which rights. They had a huge Arnold Schwarzenegger sign outside a gym in Beichen for years and somehow I doubt he got compensated.
Forums > Living in Kunming > My brand new electric scooter was stolen today Kunming SWAT hasn't had much to do lately and if their snipers need practice, how about baiting a couple of scooters around town? Sniper on a nearby roof. If some bastard tries to steal it BLAM! Everybody wins.
Forums > Living in Kunming > To the person who sent me an anonymous email Has anyone considered that Crazy.Laowai might be a troll? He's been writing slightly off posts and threads since before he (supposedly) came to Yunnan. Also, he seems to be running into an awful lot of trouble ("Help me buy a scooter!", "Want to pay 100 kuai for a Chinese tutor", "Kunming this and Kunming that", I'm sure you can find more examples easily on his posting history). To be honest, some of his writing reminds me of Gaoxing but of course from a different angle. He's either a bit weird or a troll IMO.
Yunnan news roundup
Posted byI assume this test only involved a very limited amount of traffic since the North-South traffic in Kunming today was worse than imaginable. Cool that the IMAX is ready to go. They are awesome.
Yunnan news roundup
Posted by260 yuan?! Ridiculous.
I've had a phone stolen in 61 myself. Kinda had me reconsider my previous stand on people beating up thieves. I don't know how to spot all the kinds of thieves but I am getting better at it. The more pro kind usually work in pairs. They are probably somewhere between 18 and 25 yo and never wear a bag. They usually try to blend in with darkish casual clothes. Be aware if you see two guys waiting for the bus who clearly know eachother but when they enter one goes to the back and the other stays at the front.
I'd love to see you punch one of those guys if you detect them but the Chinese say that most of them carry knives so it might be better to play it cool. Anyway you never know if the thief has a partner in the bus who is prepared to help him (the main reason he is there is to create confusion and loudly vouch for a detected partner in crime - just enough to have time for the bus to reach the next stop).
Another kind my gf has encountered a couple of times is the single elderly man or woman with one arm covered by a jacket. They'll move close to you and try to fish something out of your bag or pockets with the hidden hand, pretending to have bumped into you by mistake if discovered.
Kunming's chengguan suffering image problems
Posted byAlthough the way the chengguan are going about their business can sometimes be questionable they actually have important work to do. Who are we to say that there should be no regulations for streetvendors and snacksellers and no reinforcement of the law? There are hundreds -if not thousands- of streets in Kunming designated for late night street food but one of the problems is that the popular streets get filled up completely and no cars (and hence no emergency vehicles) can pass. That's not even mentioning the "quality" of the food that the amount of competition just keeps lowering.
We all know that a law not enforced here in China is no law at all so lets get a more qualified and well trained cheng guan to get things rolling.
Hu visits Yunnan stressing importance of ethnic unity
Posted by"While in Yao'an, Hu inspected rubble from this month's earthquake. Hu agreed that it was in fact rubble thereby ending a week long standoff between rubble supporters and rubble deniers in the area."
Kunming warily hosting postponed academic conference
Posted byThey have recently tightened up the rules for in which hotels foreigners can stay as well. I actually ran into a psb officer at one of the hotels I tried to book at. He said the tightening of procedures were to protect us mentioning Xinjiang and Uighurs and stuff like that.