User profile: Danmairen

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Giving birth in Kunming

I believe what Quester meant to say with all that killing babies talk is "unwanted embryos without consciousness". I'm not a huge fan of how a number of Chinese see abortion either, but that Holier-than-thou, American missionary crap ought to be kept confined to the backwaters of the "real" America.

Forums > Living in Kunming > School-age children in Kunming

KIA is a Christian school but I guess one year couldn't harm too much. You could also hire a teacher full time, 300 US$ a month is a reasonable alternative to Chinese or private schooling if we're only talking a year. Might also consider taking the plunge and enrol the kids in a Chinese school. Would pretty much guarantee them having a decent command of Chinese after 12 months.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Buying a car

I think he's referring to how you have to pay the full amount in cash in China for a car if you haven't got a house/flat as security to get a loan. Goes without saying really that this applies to foreigners as well.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Turning right at traffic light

"You're always allowed to turn right at your own risk and responsibility" was what I was going to write, but the more I think about it the more I doubt myself. I've been driving for 2 years now and I turn right no matter if there's a dedicated arrow or not,, just like the Chinese do. I do know that pedestrians -in theory- have the right of way when you're turning and encounter them in the zebra crossing, although I believe many Chinese drivers aren't aware of that or just don't care.


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Sounds cool but I don't think Kunming needs more half empty shopping centers at this point. I hope they plan ahead for a major earthquake as well. Kunming is statistically due soon unfortunately.

Joe Buzzkill

Spot on article. On Beijing Lu there are plenty of places where you have the choice between taking a 500 meter detour walk or crossing 6-8 lanes of traffic dodging cars, scooters and cement trucks with your fingers crossed. And as Liumingke points out bike lanes and sidewalks are frequently full of parked cars and scooters so you often HAVE to walk on the street itself to get around. Kunming is ripe for some serious cases of road rage.

"Drivers will not be punished for non-emergency horn use, but they are limited to three honks in succession, each no longer than half a second in length."

This sounds like a well thougt out plan.

The England-Germany game should be quite the thriller. Can anyone who's been around to the different venues airing matches in Kunming recommend some places to go? Jerseys, binge drinking and loud cheering is preferred.

Been to the Hump and Ganesh so far but for a couple of minor games so still no idea which place to go for some genuine WC fever.



Went there yesterday and it totally made my week. Nice decor and friendly staff and a real salad bar. Sadly we both wanted mexican food so I can't really say much about their other courses. The food was great but just a tad spicier would have improved the dish. The best thing was that we almost had the place to ourselves and we could have a quiet conversation without shouting, spitting Chinese people in the background. I realised how much I had missed that since coming here.


We went to Chicago Coffee a couple of days ago and it was a nice experience. The place is cozy with soft comfy chairs (I realized how much I have missed one since coming here) and they have a nice little collection of English language books in the corner consisting mainly of classics and travel litterature. I was looking forward to trying their advertized tortilla bar but it wasn't up and running that evening.

Instead we went for 2 12 inch pizzas -roast chicken and pepperoni- but we quickly realized that 1 would have been enough. Those things are heavy. I am mainly into Italian style pizza but Chicago's double layered pizzas are well worth a try. Their coffee seems to be a bit on the expensive side but people say good things about it and they have got a nice selection. I wouldn't mind dropping by again some day,, hopefully when they've got the tortilla thing going. English speaking staff btw.