User profile: DanTheMan

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Shipping Security Concerns

Thanks all. Bernie, some of this stuff is brand new, but I can have the tags and stuff removed. No electronics. Will my friend have trouble with taxes or any other customs-related issues? The rest of the container would be filled with wood products.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Shipping Security Concerns

Hi All,

I'm living in Kunming and am planning on having a bunch of mountaineering gear sent over from the U.S., including some expensive technical clothing, an ice axe, rock and ice anchors, etc--maybe 20 kilos in all.

I was originally going to send it via the U.S. Post Office, but I've heard informally that sometimes stuff doesn't make it through Chinese customs due to low pay and general boredom among the inspectors.

Should I consider my things safe? Should I attempt a different route, such as using a shipping company like Seven Seas? Should I ask my friend who ships frequently between California and Kunming to throw the stuff into one of their 40 ft. containers? Any ideas?


Forums > Living in Kunming > Mailing books to USA

Cheaper than what? If you don't have a lot, just bring 'em to the post office. It' s dirt cheap, but will take at least a few months.

If you have a lot of stuff to send (maybe 50 or more kilos??), you can arrange for a tea chest with Seven Seas:

Forums > Living in Kunming > US voters: mailing your ballot for free

Thanks Mr. Rupert. I continue to be impressed with the service I've received from both the Shanghai and Chengdu consulates.

Just an update: get those ballots in soon. Contrary to what is indicated on the Overseas Vote Foundation website, my ballot is going to take much longer than one day to arrive in Maine. I mailed it yesterday and the FedEx tracking information says it will arrive on the 27th.


No results found.


Was surprised not to see the destruction of wild hives by people collecting honey and larvae listed as a threat. Seems to be very widespread and villagers are very adept at getting at even hives high up in cliff faces or trees.

^But all part of the same ridiculous system. Why can't these people just rent hotel rooms in their home cities in which to play cards and eat crappy snacks, and then Photoshop themselves standing in front of a bunch of scenic area entrance gates around China and the world to post on their WeChat. It would save a lot of carbon emissions.

Haven't read the book. Does he offer compelling evidence of the thesis? I guess a more traditional view is that groups end up in the highlands either because when they arrive lowlands already have established populations using all available land or they get pushed out of lowland areas due to resource competition?



I had a really good burger here recently. Steven, the chef, really knows what he is doing. Worth checking out. Of course, good beer, too.


Cantina is always a safe bet for top-notch food and great service. I think it has actually gotten better and better over the years, which is often not the case with restaurants. Most people who live in Kunming know Cantina. Perhaps not as many know how involved the owners, Libby and Diego, are in various social welfare and community service efforts. Highly recommended both for visitors and long-term residents!


I went there twice for group boxing classes. I left the third time when I was attempting to book into a grappling class. This was part of an attempted process on my part to try the different classes offered there and see if I wanted to purchase one of their various membership cards.

The boxing classes were fun, a great workout, and the coaches and fellow students were all nice. A good atmosphere. Certainly room for improvement, especially in terms of explaining the class structure and fundamental concepts of the sports to beginners...but overall good.

However, on front desk staff member erased the positive aspects of the gym through his unprofessional and rude conduct. I was treated like some sort of con-man for wanting to try out the different classes offered before committing to multi-thousand RMB membership card, despite my willingness to pay per class to try them out. I wasted my time riding over to the gym on a very cold day on my scooter and then being refused service unless I committed on the spot to buying a membership card in direct contradiction to the gym's own policies and written price table. Also wasted was my friend's time and money, as she was in a cab on the way over to the gym in order to join me for the group class at the time I was refused service. My exchange with the staff (in which I was not terribly satisfied, but remained calm and reasonable throughout) was topped off with a remark from the one particular staff member with xenophobic undertones.

As one may see from my other reviews on this site, I typically try not to say anything unless I have something nice to say. In this case, I feel I must make an exception: I don't think it's a business that deserves your effort or money.


One of the best western restaurants in Yunnan. Definitely worth visiting if you will be passing through Shangrila!