I wish the isolated few would treat this question seriously. One and two bedroomed apartments seem to be available at 1,500/month to 2,000/month, are they worth living in? The insurance comment is welcome. But why do we need 10,000 yuan/month ... to live in Kunming?
What is more important; Chinese literature or Chinese culture? Define a good tutor? Is it possible to be fluent with broken English? What is the difference between Classified and Forums?
This isn't Classified, but a Forum, therefore I guess you wish to discuss the subject but we need more information. How much do you think this is worth and why. What time and place suits you and why.
Mmm, would I be wrong in suggesting that if Tibet and Mongolia, etc., was an internal matter for China, then, what the French do in France must also be an internal matter?
Such contracts are totally unbelievable and doomed to failure.
There are insufficient pilots being schooled in the world as a whole and the Chinese situation is the worst. Current Chinese orders for new aircraft will quickly absorb the graduation of new pilots and the expected orders for the next few years makes the future pilot shortage quite critical -- actually, it's critcal now.
My advice to Chinese airlines is: Move into the 21st Century!
If anyone has tried to travel around this construction area during peak times (from 7:00 am to 10:00 am, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm) or the one-way triangle involving 121 Street, one can't help wondering at the qualifications of the 'designers'. It seems that they may simply have a graphic arts education and skills in accepting 'gifts' (from the traffic police).
I loved this quote: "He said that there was still work to do to convince Myanmar's ruling military junta that the dams would not be a problem for Myanmar, adding that he didn't think that would be a problem." I wonder if it should have been highlighted? Additionally, I wonder, does the UNESCO's World Heritage List serve a purpose? :(
Hello Dima; Many will welcome your arrival as the new manager. I hope that you will provide the cook with some assistance during peak hours. Some will be unhappy with the three-week closure, but you might tell them to visit Dan Di Cafe for a similar menu, if only temporarily.
Hey 'bucko', you must be fair, this restaurant is better than any place on Wen Lin Jie which you rated higher. Expensive? Try Green Lake Hotel. Small portions? Try Mazagran. It's all relative.
Although this is one of my favourite restaurants in Kunming, I find it necessary to warn the management that having a fourth floor extension has taken things one step too far (actually, about 70 steps!).
In my opinion, by extending the business, both the hard working kitchen and waiting staff are unable to maintain the original food quality and level of service.
A recent visit presented us with a luke warm fruit/mutton curry that comprised many pieces of fat and gristle, and a half tandoori chicken that had two legs (?) and not much else -- this dish would satisfy three people last year.
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Kunming protestors vent anger at Carrefour
Posted byMmm, would I be wrong in suggesting that if Tibet and Mongolia, etc., was an internal matter for China, then, what the French do in France must also be an internal matter?
China Eastern fires Yunnan management over pilot demonstration
Posted bySuch contracts are totally unbelievable and doomed to failure.
There are insufficient pilots being schooled in the world as a whole and the Chinese situation is the worst. Current Chinese orders for new aircraft will quickly absorb the graduation of new pilots and the expected orders for the next few years makes the future pilot shortage quite critical -- actually, it's critcal now.
My advice to Chinese airlines is: Move into the 21st Century!
Lion and tiger display stirs concerns of another Kunming mauling
Posted byOnly in China! (As they say).
Construction of 'Turtle Back' throws Kunming traffic into chaos
Posted byIf anyone has tried to travel around this construction area during peak times (from 7:00 am to 10:00 am, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm) or the one-way triangle involving 121 Street, one can't help wondering at the qualifications of the 'designers'. It seems that they may simply have a graphic arts education and skills in accepting 'gifts' (from the traffic police).
Official: Yunnan still hopes to dam Nu River
Posted byI loved this quote: "He said that there was still work to do to convince Myanmar's ruling military junta that the dams would not be a problem for Myanmar, adding that he didn't think that would be a problem." I wonder if it should have been highlighted? Additionally, I wonder, does the UNESCO's World Heritage List serve a purpose? :(