User profile: bluppfisk

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Tablets in Kunming

Android 4.0 is scheduled for release on 17 November and it is supposed to be much more suitable for tablets than 3.0 was. It may be worth waiting a couple of days and see which tablets with this new Android version hit the market.

If you buy any Android device, I strongly suggest getting a Hong Kong imported one unless you feel like fooling with the software to make Google Services work properly. Mainland China devices have been altered to pester Google.

I also own a Kindle e-Reader. In my opinion, a tablet and an eBook do not overlap in functionality. An eBook is not suitable for any computing, but its battery life (well over a month), its readability in sunlight, and its eye-friendliness are good reasons to consider purchasing one. Also they're usually smaller and lighter than an actual tablet, and far less expensive so not such a drama to lose.

I personally stay away from anything Apple, but that's just my taste. Apple products seem to make a fair amount of other users happy. Just be aware that the camera on both iPad versions is _under 1 MP_ and therefore completely useless.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Should you study Chinese?

So you have learnt some Chinese. That makes you not arrogant. I know a lot of people that refuse to ever speak it. That is arrogant. I come from a country where my native language has been oppressed by French for centuries (and in many ways still is). So it's an extremely sensitive thing for me. Live in another country? Do an effort to speak the lingo. No one will demand perfection, but even the worst language learners should be able to have a basic conversation. Unless you're mentally retarded, which you, I can clearly see from your discourse, are not.

Sure, some people will take more time than others, but every person with a moderately developed left hemisphere is able to learn another language up to a certain level.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Should you study Chinese?

Again, it depends on how you interpret the question. "Should I ..." does not ask for an objective response. It's not "must I ..." The OP is asking for opinions. I gave mine.

I find that your article raises valid and interesting points, but there are other reasons than career-related ones why one should learn one or more foreign languages. To me, but not necessarily to anyone, the most important is the brain-stretching exercise you get from it. Even though I'm getting older, I find it increasingly easy to get my mind around logical, linguistic as well as mathematical problems.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Should you study Chinese?

The question was never "do you need to", it was "should you". And yes, I think you should, if you want to reside, live or travel in China.

Of course you do not need to do anything. If we completely descend into the realms of relativity, you don't need to learn or do anything. Because in the end you will die and what will it matter.

Cultural imperialism is nonsense because it contains a notion that it's driven. This is about organic growth.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Should you study Chinese?

Yes. And this is why:

1. if you live or reside in a foreign country, it is plain arrogant not to know the other language. It will make people scream "foreigners out" in due time.

2. People think English as a lingua franca is irreplaceable. Nonsense. Sure, English has established a strong foothold due to its presence in many technologies and the spread of today's media helps carry it around (as did Latin once, as did French once). But the fitness of a language is also closely related to the fitness of its cultural and economical origin. Both US and UK are economically on the decline. English has only been a lingua franca for about a hundred years. In history, nothing lasts forever, but to contemporaries it seems like it will. Latin was toppled even though it was widely spoken in the entire Eurasian continent and beyond. Chinese may well become an important language in the century ahead as China gains cultural and economical influence. Characters may have to be abandoned.

3. Learning a foreign language is never a waste of time. It helps you understand language in general, stretches the brain and will make it easier to learn more foreign languages. I am fluent in five and find it surprisingly easy to pick up new ones now, even if they're not at all related.

4. It unlocks an entirely new world, new cultures, new people... It stretches your understanding of the world and its inhabitants. Language and culture are not easily separated.

5. As mentioned above, it increases your desirability to be employed and/or to make more money. It helps you cut it in tomorrow's real world.

6. You are able to communicate your culture to the Chinese. Think of how important it will be for your own people that the Chinese understand your culture when/if they take over the world in any way. Not feeling superior or inferior, but acknowledging and accepting each other's differences, and reach out to the other are key to cultural and economical co-operation without losing independence.

7. You could hook up with people from that country more easily.


No results found.


I'm not as pessimistic as Yuanyangren. I know a fair amount of South-East-Asian students here in Kunming who, besides their own language and pretty good English, also speak Chinese and another South-East-Asian language.

When in Vietnam I heard a fair deal of Chinese, Lao and Cambodian. In eastern Thailand and southern Laos, a fair number of people could speak Vietnamese. People in eastern Burma were often also fluent in Thai as they often (illegally) cross the border to work in Thailand.

There are different reasons for this. First, culturally: except for Chinese, no language or nation is so much bigger than the other that it is not necessary for them to learn their neighbour's language (i.e. you don't have the France or Germany effect). Plus the fact that each country has a lot of immigrants and trade from neighbouring countries.

Linguistically: all of those languages are linguistically closer to each other than each of them is to English (tones, structure over flection, sounds ...), which makes it much easier for the speaker of one SEA language to learn the other. Also, you can pretty much consider Lao and Thai as one language.

Finally, you don't really need to know each language. One will do. Being a linguist myself, I know that knowing a fourth or a fifth language doesn't help. No company ever seeks polyglots. Most would rather employ two persons with different language skills.

That said, I indeed know very few Chinese who master any of those languages. They suffer from the France syndrome where their language is so overwhelmingly big that they do not need to know any others. This could prove a great opportunity for South-East-Asians who do master more than one language, in addition to Chinese.

I think its main attraction is the Europeans exhibit. Isolated and outside their own habitat, they seem a bit unhappy yet continue to do their thing: dining, drinking, complaining about prices, complaining about the heat, complaining about the surroundings, unsuccessfully trying to haggle, taking pictures of everything that moves or -in fact- does not move (the latter probably a result of their isolation), walking around, perusing night marked trinkets and looking for unique experiences.

Best zoo ever.

Well if it is because of political achievement, then the urge to achieve political achievement has put into place good works. Ergo: whoever holds the strings of these political achievers has found a way to incentivise officials to think what could make a city better before it's actually needed. The goal justifies the means. Okay, it should also be re-evaluated to eliminate quality erosion.

The Pan Asia Gold Exchange, when launched, could have a major impact on the global gold market, other than just reinforcing Kunming and China as financial forces to be reckoned with. See, if as Mr. Maguire suggests, indeed 1000 tonnes of gold will be sold to Chinese people, this will make the price of gold skyrocket. It also means that people who short gold (i.e. they borrow gold from someone who has some, sell it for 100 dollar an ounce, anticipate a price drop and buy it back for 90 dollar an ounce). Net profit: 10 per ounce. These shorts make the market unstable and undermine the position of gold as a money reserve in bad financial times (like, now).

Other things come into play: the increased opening of the RMB to foreign investment (since foreigners will be able to sell gold to Chinese people in return for yuan!) and the fact that there will be a shift in financial power, away from the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association) and the COMEX in New York. This would bring balance and free market workings to the bullion market.

There may be many other things that could ensue from the launch of PAGE. It's hard to oversee the changes that may be brought about and the bigger financial and political picture. However, if it launches the way analysts think it will, now may be a good time to buy gold.

ah blobbles, your blog was a guide for me through that part of the 3201 towards Nansha. I was happy though to find the roadworks all but completely finished.

Nice post!

I quite liked Nansha though dubbed by my guidebook (which I consequently dumped) "a big uninteresting hamlet with lots of concrete and tiles". I had the best of help there from a local grocer without whom I would've run into considerable trouble. I later lost my phone and therefore contact with him, so I with a few consecutive days to spare, I would like to ride back south (and further down) and say hi - and at the same time spend some days in a place that is a little more wennuan than Kunming these days.




First and last experience. Absolutely horrible. I came in late with a big flesh wound. The doctor sewed it up and told me to come back in the morning "perhaps to redo it, and to change the bandage". When I did come back the next morning, they just changed the bandage and sent me off.

When I peeked at my own wound, I noticed it was horribly done. "Like a vet did the stitches," as someone commented. I then had to stay a night in a different hospital in order to do it right, with a 40% chance of getting infections. This cost me a lot more, thanks to Richland fucking up in the beginning.

Whatever X-rays were taken were not printed out and given to me so I couldn't go to another hospital for a second opinion or treatment.

The nurses didn't seem to know where half the things were and the doctors had to repeat orders to get basic things like scissors.

In the next hospital, it was noticed that I had fractured my jaw in two places. On the five X-Rays taken at Richland, they did not notice the fractures.

Pretty sure these people are not actual doctors and are therefore criminal.


Super place. Really cool interior, lots of good beers and drinks, fun toilet inside the telephone booth, and an interesting clientele.

Cons: pretty hard to find, no matching glasses for the imported beers, and home brews need some work.


Teaching and support lamentable.

Four people signed up for the highest-level class and got a teacher who does all the talking, refers to herself as 老师 and makes classes absolutely uninteresting. As of this moment, only 1 person is still going on a regular basis.

While staff is friendly, they are absolutely incapable to help out with visa matters in an adequate way. Lack of information beforehand, lack of support and lack of information during the visa process meant that I am waiting forever for my residence permit to be processed, without any information about why it's taking so long, why they can't get started ... I'd say this school is a good option if all you wanted is a visa, but they can't even handle this properly.

Anyone giving this school a 5-star rating hasn't been to any decently-run schools in Kunming, such as Keats'. The only redeeming quality is facilities and space, those are indeed excellent.


Have been studying at Keats for almost four semesters now and I'm very enthusiastic about the quality of the teachers and the commitment of the school's staff.

One point of criticism is that I think they could put in some effort to group people of the same level together, rather than base it on who was together in last semester's class.


I stayed here in the early days of March 2013. Dave and his wife are swell owners, the staff attentive, the food good, rooms in perfect order, WiFi fast enough... Much like the old hump, the entire place is an excellent place to relax and make friends. And that is what you come to do in Dali, after all. The location is a bit isolated from the old town, but nothing is really far away in Dali. Besides, it makes for a better starting point to walk up Cangshan.