User profile: Yuanyangren

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Forums > Travel Yunnan > Are turnaround visa runs possible at the China-Vietnam border in Hekou?

It would seem that if the sleeper bus to Mohan is 320 Yuan so 640 return and the distance is around 725km according to googlemaps, 550 is the distance only to Jinghong, which is well away from the border, and Kunming is only around 410km from the Vietnamese border, then even if you apply for a Vietnamese visa, which costs 350 Yuan for single entry, then you will find that it costs virtually the same compared to going to Laos when you add the cost of the bus to Hekou (145 one way, 290 return).

The main difference is the time it takes: it should take 8 hours to Hekou, whereas Mohan is something like 12 hours away, so you'll definately save time by going to Vietnam, but unless you are Scandinavian, from Sth Korea or Japan, or from an ASEAN country, you will need a Vietnamese visa in advance as the border guards won't let you through otherwise.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Renting a car at Mohanzhen for travel in Sipsongpanna

Hi, I am planning a trip to Sipsongpanna (西双版纳 in Chinese) and have received some quotes for travel by car from Laos to Jinghong and back. Lao registered vehicles can only travel as far north as Jinghong without special permission, so if someone could tell me how much I could expect to pay per day, for a car with driver from the Chinese-Lao border town of Mohanzhen up to Jinghong, and possibly as far north as Simao, I'd be very appreciative. I need to visit a number of sites along the way (I'm going on business) therefore a bus would be very inconvenient and tiring...and not an option for me. I am looking to stay in that region for about 3 days and 2 nights.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Thai visa for Chinese (GF) Fiance

Requirements for Chinese citizens are stricter than for other foreigners when applying for a Thai visa in Kunming. Multiple renewals of tourist visas in neighboring countries has also come under the spotlight and you will see a notice to this effect at the Thai consulate in Kunming. Therefore, I would investigate another type of visa that your girlfriend may be eligible for, after a couple of tourist visa applications otherwise she may be refused. On the other hand, Thai officials are likely to note the amount of time she spent outside of Thailand, so if she spends say 3-4 months per year in Thailand, using either two back-to-back tourist visas or one tourist visa plus a 30 day extension, she should be OK.

Also agree with the other posters that if your girlfriend doesn't work, should try a travel agent and not the consulate. Does your girlfriend still have a job to go back to after returning to China or not? This will of course affect her visa application if she continually makes new applications for tourist visas.


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Hopefully enough money can also be raised in the future for her eventual kidney transplant.

According to the article re: railroad in Laos, this Malaysian firm wants to build a 220km connection between Thailand and Vietnam NOT the one up to the Chinese border that's been talked about and cancelled, then revived again so many times.

The plan by the Lao government to still go ahead with the railway project is unbelievable. Neighboring Vietnam voted not to go ahead with a planned Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi high speed rail link due to concerns about profitability (i.e. not enough Vietnamese would be able to afford a ticket despite having a reasonably sized middle class at least in Hanoi and Saigon).

Now Laos, with only just over 6 million people and a tiny middle class wants to do the same? Good luck! However, I wouldn't be surprised if in 6 months from now I read in the Vientiane Times that the project has been put on hold again.

I'd suggest stick to a normal speed train that locals will actually be able to afford, going high-speed while neither Thailand nor Vietnam, two neighboring economic juggernaughts have plans to do the same is quite far fetched, I'll believe it when I see it but it seems like a crazy idea for now!

The only good news is that Laos can take control of the railway project and not have to worry about the previous 5km land concession on either side of the tracks that was previously demanded by the Chinese side.

Also, scally is correct about the reasons for Naw Kham being tried in China and logically Kunming, the closest major Chinese city to the area where the attacks occurred would be the best place to try him.

Incidentally, the 9 renegade Thai soldiers also implicated in the attacks will be tried in Thailand.

Well, he killed only Chinese sailors and based on this story, he has had run-ins with the Chinese authorities before. Overall, it's good that this criminal has been brought to justice. Also, by being tried in China he will receive the punishment he deserves.

The Mekong River in the 2000s should be about tourism and trade, not murder, drug trafficking and mayhem. Those latter three things should firmly be entrenched as relics of the past.



Horrible tasteless, thick-crusted "cardboard" like pizzas that are a far cry from what they should be like. Way overpriced too. Wine may be good, but why bother when the nearby Prague Cafe makes much better pizza at a more reasonable price?


Great Mexican food and ice cream, excellent Raspberry smoothies and an overall good atmosphere. Can't do much about the low ceilings on the second floor, but the early closing time could be adjusted, after all, the nearby French Cafe closes at 1am.