User profile: Yuanyangren

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Forum posts

Forums > Living in Kunming > FAKE APPLE STORE-YAHOO NEWS

The funny (and at the same time lame) side of things is that the quality control of whoever designed and decorated this store is really non-existant. You will notice that while most of the signs say "Apple Store", at least one says "Apple Stoer". That's just the laziest, dumbest quality control i've ever seen. Embarrassing to say the least. If you're going to open something fake, the least you could do is open a dictionary or hire a foreigner for an hour to proofread!

I know I wouldn't open a store with Chinese writing without getting someone to proofread it first.

On another note let's hope that the products they sell are actually real (as some people have suggested) even if the store is a fake.

Forums > Living in Kunming > SCUMBAG ALERT

I have seen this guy's posts but I never bothered to read them properly (too boring). Anyway, it's sad that in a city like Kunming where there are few foreigners, that scumbags like this should exist. It's sad because if the going gets tough, many foreigners like to seek each other out to get over the rough times, but if scumbags like this get in the way then it makes it more difficult to seek out genuine, honest people.

Forums > Food & Drink > Donuts in Kunming

Try walking around downtown Kunming - there might be a donut king there. Otherwise, passable donuts are sold in a small shop that also does coffee on that road beside Yunnan University (yuenshi lu or however you spell it), it's the same one where you'll find the Dai restaurant with it's bamboo furniture.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Anti Thief and Pickpocket rules in Kunming or how to avoid beeing robbed

Some good advice there, but seriously, who lives in a house in Kunming, or indeed any city in China? I have only seen apartment buildings in Kunming, or at the very least, townhouses on the outskirts of the city where there are multiple storeys. I have never seen a single freestanding home (they seem to exist only in the countryside), so I think that while you can never take any chances, the chance of a thief climbing up to the 9th floor of your apartment building through your open window are zero. Yes, zero. Unless you're spiderman or you're a fireman with a cherry picker there's no way of getting up there.

That being said, keep your electric bike (if you have one) in a designated parking lot in your apartment complex since I have heard of numerous thefts from those areas underneath the stairs inside an apartment building, this inspite of the bike being parked inside the building! Presumably a thief could just gain entrance to an apartment complex and then enter a building after a resident opens the main door and finally steal a bike. I have a friend whom this happened to, although I presume he lives in one of those older apartment complexes on xue fu road (I have never been to his apartment, he only told me the approximate location where he lives), which are easier to gain access to than the newer ones.

Got another friend who got robbed of his valuables including his passport while riding on a bus during the daytime. Apparently nobody saw the thief razoring my friend's bag, or they didn't care! My advice is unless you need your passport for ID when going to a bank or to get a visa or check-in to a hotel, etc. don't carry it with you (despite what the law may say)! At most bring a photocopy of your passport. No one is going to ask you for your passport on the street, and if they did, I'd run (never know if these guys are legitimate)! If a legitimate police officer ever wanted to see your documents, tell them to go to your apartment to inspect them there (though I have never heard of that happening either).

Similarly, another friend had her passport stolen (was in her bag) from a football field at a university during a cultural event. This happened inspite of the bag being placed on the edge of the grass and her not being far away from her bag the whole time she was there. In fact, her friends were supposedly watching her bag the entire time!!

Forums > Living in Kunming > Is aborting girls really still so common?

Why kill off females? Not only are Chinese females very beautiful, especially between the ages of about 20 and 35, but they are more studious and better behaved than their males counterparts. I can't imagine anyone in their right mind in China preferring a male when females have so many prospects these days.


No results found.


Hopefully enough money can also be raised in the future for her eventual kidney transplant.

According to the article re: railroad in Laos, this Malaysian firm wants to build a 220km connection between Thailand and Vietnam NOT the one up to the Chinese border that's been talked about and cancelled, then revived again so many times.

The plan by the Lao government to still go ahead with the railway project is unbelievable. Neighboring Vietnam voted not to go ahead with a planned Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi high speed rail link due to concerns about profitability (i.e. not enough Vietnamese would be able to afford a ticket despite having a reasonably sized middle class at least in Hanoi and Saigon).

Now Laos, with only just over 6 million people and a tiny middle class wants to do the same? Good luck! However, I wouldn't be surprised if in 6 months from now I read in the Vientiane Times that the project has been put on hold again.

I'd suggest stick to a normal speed train that locals will actually be able to afford, going high-speed while neither Thailand nor Vietnam, two neighboring economic juggernaughts have plans to do the same is quite far fetched, I'll believe it when I see it but it seems like a crazy idea for now!

The only good news is that Laos can take control of the railway project and not have to worry about the previous 5km land concession on either side of the tracks that was previously demanded by the Chinese side.

Also, scally is correct about the reasons for Naw Kham being tried in China and logically Kunming, the closest major Chinese city to the area where the attacks occurred would be the best place to try him.

Incidentally, the 9 renegade Thai soldiers also implicated in the attacks will be tried in Thailand.

Well, he killed only Chinese sailors and based on this story, he has had run-ins with the Chinese authorities before. Overall, it's good that this criminal has been brought to justice. Also, by being tried in China he will receive the punishment he deserves.

The Mekong River in the 2000s should be about tourism and trade, not murder, drug trafficking and mayhem. Those latter three things should firmly be entrenched as relics of the past.



Horrible tasteless, thick-crusted "cardboard" like pizzas that are a far cry from what they should be like. Way overpriced too. Wine may be good, but why bother when the nearby Prague Cafe makes much better pizza at a more reasonable price?


Great Mexican food and ice cream, excellent Raspberry smoothies and an overall good atmosphere. Can't do much about the low ceilings on the second floor, but the early closing time could be adjusted, after all, the nearby French Cafe closes at 1am.