Kunming Listings
Change cityBird and Flower Market
Despite constant renovation and construction, Kunming's original Bird & Flower Market is still one of the most charming places to shop for both plants and animals. It is mostly closed now, fish shops are moved indoor.
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Bird and Flower Market
The Bird and Flower Market hosts a Flea Market on Saturdays and Sundays, 9am to 6pm. There's 30-40 people selling stuff, but nearly all of it is "ancient" coins, comics, badges, ceramics, Mao memorabilia etc. The vendors have official-looking lanyards and numbered pitch sites. Nice for tourists, but not the free-for-all I had hoped for.
Bird and Flower Market
Went today, surprisingly (for China) the animals are kept in quite good condition. You can find anything you need for your pet, food, beds, toys, etc. You can also buy any pet from here, from spiders and lizards, to birds, fish, puppies, kittens, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, chipmunks and squirrels(??)birds, ducklings and even micro pigs! Bargain hard!