Kunming Listings
Change cityKunming Changshui International Airport
Kunming's international air hub and currently the fourth busiest airport in China. Non-stop destinations include all major Chinese cities, the capitals of most South and Southeast Asian capitals and a growing number of intercontinental stops.
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- NameKunming Changshui International Airport
昆明长水国际机场 - AddressDabanqiaozhen, Guandu, Kunming
昆明官渡区大板桥镇 - Phone(0871) 67358125
- WEBSITEwww.kmgairport.com/
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Kunming Changshui International Airport
Ridiculously overpriced and shitty food, horrible and soulless atmosphere, just like every other airport ever. This should be excusable, really, but the fact that this place doesn't even have the decency to have one single budget restaurant makes it quite deserving of a really low score.

Kunming Changshui International Airport
No Bus to Chenggong from the airport, had to go downtown and get a 150 RMB taxi.
I mean isn't this a district of Kunming? Then why not make transportation available?
thumbs down
Kunming Changshui International Airport
Most airports in China have the last shuttle bus depart when the last flight arrives. Whether they do this as a courtesy or it's a rule of law, I don't know. But it's very comforting.

Kunming Changshui International Airport
Recently experienced both very early morning departure and very late night arrival at Changshui. Was worried about making the connection to and from the airport, but both turned out well.
First, the departure. It was 7:30 am. I arranged a taxi to pick me up at 5:00. That he did. Cost: 100 yuan.
The departure was scheduled for 12:30 am, was delayed, and didn't get in until 2:30 am. I was sure I'd have to find a black cab, and wasn't even sure if I would find that. Instead, I was delighted to discover that the Airport Express Bus was still running! For 25 yuan it took me to the train station, where I then caught a cab for the short ride the rest of the way home. I was very impressed by this late night bus. I'd thought the buses only ran till around 11 pm-midnight. I don't know if this is a regular occurrence or not. Maybe, knowing my flight was delayed and there would be hundreds of passengers looking for a ride home, the airport dispatched an extra bus. If so, kudos to whoever was responsible!
Kunming Changshui International Airport
I'd have to agree with you Blobbles. Good airport with the potential to be a great airport. Don't blame the airport for Kunming's taxi problems. Reserve a driver for 120. It's the safest way. If you live in the north, it takes less time to get to the new airport than the old. Did it in 20 minutes last time. Be prepared for traffic at the airport for early flights. The subway is not worth it yet unless you live next to the east station. In traffic, it will take you longer to take a taxi to the station than to the airport. Wait another two years to take the subway.