Kunming Listings
Change cityYunnan University of Finance and Economics West Campus
With the motto of “learn vigorously and practice earnestly, be virtuous and ambitious”, YUFE has been striving to become a well-known finance and economy oriented university and open itself to the world by hosting academics and students from home and abroad in the 21st century. Right here in YUFE, you can feel the pulse of the development of Chinese economy, understand the contemporary Chinese spirit of seeking truth from facts while keeping pace with the times, and witness the process of China blending into the world.
Listing info
- NameYunnan University of Finance and Economics West Campus
云南财经大学西校区 - Address202 Kunrui Lu, Kunming
昆明昆瑞路202号 - Phone(0871) 65192551
- FAX(0871) 65123634
- WEBSITEen.ynufe.edu.cn/

Added by Dan Siekman,
Last updated by Yereth,
Yunnan University of Finance and Economics West Campus • 202 Kunrui Lu
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