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Rainbow Coffee House
Just intestested as to how/why a 3* and a 1* vote get averaged out to be 1* ??
Rainbow Coffee House
Once, they had a menu. Once, you could buy anything other than tea. Once, they didn't demand you to order stuff for a minimum of 50 kuai, something that's hardly possible given the limited menu. While they have one of Kunming's cleanest toilets, a big reason for this might be that they don't have any customers...
Plus for the games and the window seating, sure, but god this place sucks...
Rainbow Coffee House
This place has a nice atmosphere - high ceiling, comfortable seating, good light. A classy-looking place, and definitely a breath of fresh air after smacking your forehead endlessly in the cafes of Wenhua Xiang and Wenlin Jie. The coffee is solid.
A word of warning: Stay away from the cakes. They are the kind that come out of a box that several cafes around here serve; at Rainbow they keep the slices in the freezer and serve them to you frozen solid on a plate. Seriously.