Kunming Listings
Change cityYunnan International Travel Hygiene Healthcare Centre
Medical clinic providing government health examination service. This is where foreigners go for residence permit health checks in Kunming.
Price for the health check required for a work permit is 492 RMB. Bring your passport and three passport pictures.
You can pay in cash, with bank card or with WeChat.
Relocated to current Guangfu Lu location as of September 1, 2018.
Current schedule of services
8:30-11am: Consultancy services, immunizations and health checks
11am-12pm: Consultations and document pick-ups
2-3:30pm: Consultancy services, immunizations, health checks and document pick-ups
3:30-5pm: Consultancy services and document pick-ups
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Yunnan International Travel Hygiene Healthcare Centre
If you would prefer to not waste a ton of time getting down to the location, due note that they do NOT do health checks in the afternoon, only mornings.
Yunnan International Travel Hygiene Healthcare Centre
Just popped in for the annual to biennial visa health check. Cost was CNY 487 - don't forget to bring at least THREE (3) visa pictures and your mask.
As usual, there are TWO health codes to display - the usual kunming/yunnan green QR code and the green "Arrow" code.
I went late in the morning, but still managed to shuttle through all the departments and get out before lunch.
I used didi to get there and the map now correctly shows the rear parking entrance as the destination drop-off point. You can also take the subway to a nearby station, and walk walk walk walk walk - it's actually not too far but it will elevate your blood pressure and pulse (BPP) - so make sure to rest 5-10 minutes to allow your BPP to drop back to resting state.
Upon arrival at the main gate, you'll do the usual check-in procedure - mask, sign-in, green QR code, temperature check.
Once inside - Present your passport, green QR code, and green (hopefully) arrow code. Scan the QR codes on your left as you walk in if you don't have these prepared already. The staff will then pass you an application form. Walk over to the wall of stand-up desks to your right, fill out the forms, then stroll over to the clerks to present the form. They'll print out a sheet of bar coded labels for your tests, take your digital picture, attach everything together with a paper clip, then direct you to the cashier to pay CNY 487 (WeChat, alipay, bank card, etc) Don't know if they still accept cash.
Hike up the the 2nd or 3rd floor to start the battery of tests:
3rd floor
Chest X-ray
Physical (height, weight, BMI/body mass index)
2nd floor
Urine test
Blood Test
Eye test (color blindness and eye chart)
Heart (pulse, blood pressure)
I may have missed a few like the OB GYN...
It seems they also have a COVID/NAT (nucleic acid test) center in a shipping container lab outside the health center - but I didn't bother jogging over to check if it was still operational. In retrospect, should've checked, as the hospitals are jam packed with Chinese New Year travelers.
The test results are ready the afternoon of the second day. The facility seems sparsely busy even though they service both foreigners and nationals. There were rarely lines or noticeable waits beyond a few minutes, with at most 1-2 people ahead of you.
Staff are always nice, polite, professional and tirelessly patient for those of us with limited to no communications abilities.
Yunnan International Travel Hygiene Healthcare Centre
I meant to give it a 5 star rating. The service was excellent. The place is clean and the staff are friendly.
Yunnan International Travel Hygiene Healthcare Centre
This place is moving. Effective Sept 3, 2018. New location is: 359 Guangfu Lu.

Yunnan International Travel Hygiene Healthcare Centre
you can take the Metro to RiXin Road station and exit at door D