GoKunming Forums

Things to do with a bunch of people

SFbayarea (5 posts) • 0

Hey everyone,

What is there to do in Kunming with a group of people? I am leaving Kunming soon to go back to the States and would like to get together with friends one day and night. I've heard about bowling, ice skating, and paintball so far. Can anyone recommend anything else? Please leave an address if possible.


HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

There is a place right across from Black Dragon Pool where you can buy a baby pig or goat and they will BBQ it for you. They need about 4-5 hours to prepare. Best to go and set up the BBQ and then go hang out in Black Dragon Pool until its done. Go at 8am and begin to cook and come back at 1 pm. Good for 10-15 people.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Go to Wild Duck Park. They have group training for small or large groups where you can rock climb and other activities

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