GoKunming Forums

DVD player problem

kevlar (42 posts) • 0

I was watching a movie recently on my home DVD player and tried to remove the subtitles. Big mistake!! Pressing buttons randomly (not being able to read the han zi on the remote), I changed the video format and the TV screen is now a crazy blur. Too late to retrace my steps, so does anyone know how I can fix this, or where to take the player to have it reset? Thanks in advance.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I would try this.

Go to your local DVD seller, with your machine.
Pick a bunch of DVDs you want to buy. When you go to the counter, to pay, say Dui bu chi, wo you yi ge wenti.
Then produce a note, pre-prepared in Chinese, explaining your problem.

Odd are they will be able to fix it for you. If they can't they will understand why you are unable to purchase. Then try the next DVD store.

kevlar (42 posts) • 0

Ah, good ideas! I will try them. The brand is Skyworth..
When I moved into my apartment, the DVD wasn't working. The landlord said, "Umm, I think it's broken." I noticed there was a disc stuck in there from the previous tenant. I was able to get it out, and got the player working again. Now this problem (my own stupid fault). I mentioned it to the landlord again, he looked at it and said, "Umm, I think it's broken."

I'll keep at it..

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

google or baidu search the dvd player and try to find a manual in chinese. most bigger chin. brands have surprisingly good english translations and they usually have the remote buttons explained. from there go to the menu and reset to factory setting...or often called native mode.

So have your native costumes and dances ready!

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

After you have reset to factory settings, you then may also need to set the machine to 'all regions' in the regions settings. This will allow you play DVDs with US/EU/ and other settings. Some DVDs players are set to one region in the default settings.
You will know if you do, if some DVDs play, but not others.

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