GoKunming Forums

Bus from Kunming to Houay Xai

valsoph (5 posts) • 0


is it true that there is a direct bus from Kunming to Houay Xai at the Thai border now? Can anybody confirm and let me know the price, when it runs from where, and if it is a comfortable ride?
Also, I'd like to know if it is possible to get tickets on short notice?


Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Almost surely goes from the southern bus station. I've gone by bus to Houay Xai and on to Thailand numerous times. However, I strongly suggest you take a bus to Jinghong, hang out a day or so, then take bus from there to Houay Xai - from Kunming to Houay Xia is a long trip and being on the bus that long would get very old. The buses are comfortable to quite comfortable. Short notice tickets are possible - you can probably get one the day before, or (possibly) the same day. Price to Jinghong is about 200 rmb; from Jinghong to Houay Xai is, I think, about the same. You can get your visa to Laos (which you need) at the Lao border, the bus will stop there for this - only takes a few minutes, cost US$37; have a photo ready, but if you don't have one they'll take one for US$2.

valsoph (5 posts) • 0


so did you yourself take that bus from Kunming to Houay Xai yet? I would appreciate any information about it ;) I'm not even sure if it exists...

I already did this journey too, took a bus from Kunming to Jinhong last time, then one from Jinghong to Luang Nam Tha because there was none to Houay Xai, then another one to Houay Xai. I would just like to know if it's possible with one bus, how long it takes, if it is a bumpy ride etc.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Sorry, I don't know. As to quality of buses, they vary, but the last time I took one (Jinghong back to Kunming) the bus I was on was as good as any bus I've ever taken ANYWHERE (it was a day bus with seats, not a sleeper), with the exception that there was a movie playing all the time, which I don't like.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Go to the bus station and see and then let us all know. I know there are direct buses to Luang Pra Bang.

MekongResearcher (4 posts) • 0

If you wait for a few weeks I can tell you more. If my timetable allows I plan to visit Sipsongpana and take the bus to Thailand. Jinghong to Chiang Rai should be possible in a day. And also to Chiang Mai or Bangkok should be pretty straight forward as soon as you are I Chiang Khong.

valsoph (5 posts) • 0

@mekonkresearcher: yeah, it would be great if you could let me know in a few weeks! We would be there around the beginning of june, do you think you have travelled until then?

MekongResearcher (4 posts) • 0

I definitely do it by the end of this month as long as my timetable allows it, otherwise I need to catch a plane to make it in time to Thailand. But if I won't make it I don't see it happen any time soon, as I'm only here for a visit.

Lorena (58 posts) • 0

Don't know about a direct bus km-huaisai, but I do know there is a bus from jinghong at 7 in the morning direct to huaisai (it also stops at luang namtha). And both times I took it, I just arrived to jinghong earlier than 7 and then bought a ticket to continue right after, so it's as good as a direct one. Hope that helps ;-)

Lorena (58 posts) • 0

Oh, also, if you do it like this I think you can't cross the same day to Thailand, because you would arrive after the border closes. Not one hundred percent certain, but better count on sleeping one night at huaisai.

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