GoKunming Forums

Mixed couples with children and their education

Mandrake (129 posts) • 0

@someguyinkunming I guess that is what I am trying to find out. However instead of parents teaching, I would prefer a professional tutor or someone who already has an education degree of some sort in the related subject. However, I am not sure as to the availability of that at the moment in Kunming. Then maybe parents can share the costs.

At the moment I am trying to find out who all the concerned parties are. Maybe at a later stage parents and kids can get together and meet. Maybe it would be best to discuss this kind of matter face to face.

What are everyone's thoughts?

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Mandrake & your comment about avoiding Chinese universities - I think you're probably right, but then if your kid is, say, 5 now, he won't be going to university for 13 years or so, & while one may imagine the situation concerning higher education in China will be the same then as now, it will have changed to some extent, as will higher education elsewhere. Still, of course, you don't want your kid trapped into a 'Chinese education or nothing' situation.

Mandrake (129 posts) • 0

@Alien yes I agree. My son is only 7 months now. So education might change a lot in the next 17 years. I am just curious what my options are for the future. As the education is now, I am not too happy. What will happen in the next few years is uncertain. One for sure is that I want my son to enjoy his childhood, and not be a homework machine when he eventually starts school.

Mandrake (129 posts) • 0

So I have heard about a Waldorf school here in Kunming. Has anyone heard anything about it, or had experience with the school?

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

I just returned from KIA - Kunming International Academy here in Kunming. See the post about Chengdu Consular visit for directions.

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