GoKunming Forums

Where to Help the Victims and Donate

Long-Dragon (393 posts) • 0

This is preliminary information. I will have more later. Call 68312614 for donation information in Chinese. I am told blood is no longer needed.
My suggestion is WE the foreign community come together to publicly in every we way we can support our Kunming community. Never forget 301!

mPRin (821 posts) • 0

I would prefer a donation box could be set up somewhere for us.. (Sal's/French cafe?) My Chinese is not good enough to call the donation line.

redjon77 (510 posts) • 0

Yes, I'd prefer some kind of box rather than a number that just appears out of nowhere as I'm not overly trusting with these numbers, even in a situation like this!

Long-Dragon (393 posts) • 0

I am working on this. This is preliminary info only. Qualifying and getting English. Just got told if you are over 55 you are too old to donate blood but unconfirmed.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

i understand this is well meaning but this is a chinese thing best left to the chinese. there are chinese channels to help here, suggest we use them.
before stating that named people should do named things, think. you could be creating a rod for someone elses back.
if you call collectivley for the expats to do something and the response is not as hoped it will backfire. like mcD was hammered for thier percieved poor response to the earthquake.
if individs want to respond then good, give as much as you want/can.

like i said, well meaning but FFS think before volunteerint others that may put their reputation ont he line

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

血库紧张若在昆明,请相助!】@云南网 : 目前仍需公众献血,采集点如下:1高新区血液中心。2昆明百货大楼。3金马坊。4官渡广场 。5大观商业城 。6昆医附二院献。7呈贡书香大地小区爱心献血屋。8百汇商场。9新螺蛳湾。10世纪城家乐福,11安宁金方。12北市区沃尔玛扩散!@ 给你在云南的朋友

Long-Dragon (393 posts) • 0

The Chinese list from Bluppfish is for locations to donate blood which I am told is not needed as much. The ages for blood donatioin are 18 to 55. Call 68312614.

If you wish to donate anything I found the locations and contact information below. You may contact them directly.

Yunnan Children's Foundation Mrs. Ren director secretary 13577079881

Wuhua District Red Cross Mr. Zhang Min director 13888204776. The Red Cross will provide formal certificates and invoices. They are collecting on the streets now too.

云南省红十字会 Red Cross Society of China Yunnan Branch

到捐赠接收点捐赠 Donation location below.

地址昆明市国贸路309号政通大厦七楼707 707 Zhengtong building, 309 Guomao Rd, Kunming, Yunnan Province 电话:0871—67193333

Long-Dragon (393 posts) • 0

I am not promoting any organization. The referrals and information I provided come from Kunming people I know and respect. I am sure someone will knock the Chinese Red Cross or other chinese chartiable groups. I am not attempting to create a foreigner organization to do this.To me it is NOT a Chinese thing that happened here Saturday night it is a human tragedy that could have happened to any one. None of the victims did anything wrong except being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is about people helping people. We all live here.

Long-Dragon (393 posts) • 0

Further I say, a memorial needs to be built so that those who died and were injured will be remembered. I saw the phrase coined, in regard to to Saturdays attack "301" which is similar to 911. While the scale is smaller in numbers for "301" the terror is the same.

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