GoKunming Forums

Why are you in Kunming/Yunnan?

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Just curious. I'm here, basically, because I like it, and I'm tired of moving around all the time.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

Same. But I'm thinking of moving again in the future. I can't cope with the cold here.

mPRin (821 posts) • 0

I was in Hebei for three years and got sick of the pollution. I came here because it's close to other Asian countries making travel convenient and for the nice weather.

jopasny (184 posts) • 0

Can't cope with the cold?!?! I just moved here from Montreal last week and I feel like I'm in heaven after going from -20 degree weather to +20 degrees.

I'm here because I was sick of working a boring 9-5 office job, mostly just paying living costs in Canada. Plus, my girlfriend (and translator) is originally from here, so we can stay here for free, eat great food, cut down on living costs and do more travelling. We plan on staying for maybe a year or two and use the time to develop other skills/switch to a new career.

Not sure how it'll all pan out, especially once my bonus $ from my old job runs out, but that's a problem for later.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

People wear light white gowns in heaven, not parkas and long johns. And 20+ degrees is hardly heaven-like. It's probably more like purgatory weather. Plus, the temperature was way below 20 last month. It was leaning more towards 0 degrees.

Some people just have more resistance to heat and others to cold.

jopasny (184 posts) • 0

I'd stay 20 in the coldest month of the year is pretty damn good. Of course the locals probably bundle up when it dips below 10, but I'm loving it. Even 0 around this time of year would feel balmy.

Of course this all boils down to perspective. If the cold scares you, stay clear of Canada, at least during non-summer months.

You'll be able to spot me in KM when you see a guy in a white gown on the street.

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

I almost died of Legnionnaire's Disease in a Beijing hospital. I came here for the cleaner air, and stayed for everything else.

Karina17 (70 posts) • 0

@Jopasny: I think you don't get the point why people complain about the cold in KM because you don't know yet how it works here.
There is no heating system in South China, since the weather is pretty nice. So even if the winter is very short (like 1 month here) and not as cold as Canada (I have lived in Toronto for 3 years) it's very difficult to cope with cauz the temperature outside AND inside will be the same = 0C outside, maybe 5C in your bedroom. Except if you live in the new condos, you will be frozen 24/24 (at home, at work, everywhere). Oh, and no hot water as well (solar heating)...
I prefer 10 times more the winter in Canada than here. It was a nightmare the last month, and I promised myself that if I have to stay in China next year, I will go to the North part, where they have heating system and hot showers...

SwedishGuy (22 posts) • 0

The environment is more a common answer, but for me Kunming have one of cheapest universities in China for language studies. And also I heard there are more swedes here.

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