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Missing Home... Euskal Herria!

Ansileran (43 posts) • 0

Wanting independence for Basque regions of France and Spain, and a "Basque country" means wanting to create a Basque nation. The people who demands such a thing usually do so because they identify themselves as Basque (or Breton or Catalan...) and not as French or Spanish. The same as most people in Europe identify themselves as French or German or Spanish and not Europeans. This is exactly what nationalism is. It serves to oppose people and has been the cause of wars, political rivalries and prejudices.

By the way, before you accuse me of not knowing what I'm saying, you should read what I write properly. I'm sorry I cannot write it in Spanish or Basque to make it clearer. I did not say Europe was unified, I said we should try to unify it. Of course, we cannot support the creation of new boundaries and the removal of existing ones at the same time...

You have been quite insulting in your comments: I'm not Spanish (therefore not brainwashed, lucky me) so in your opinion, I must be one of the "extreme right sympathetics". This is quite an insult for me (calling any one an extremist of whatever is insulting). Also, did you know that nationalists usually vote for extreme right political parties in Europe?

Basque citizens in France (and I believe in Spain too) have the same rights as every other citizen, including the right to demonstrate. I'm glad the Spanish Basque separatists moved toward peaceful actions in the last few years.

I'm sorry I do not support separatist actions as I do not believe the Basques are oppressed in France (nor in Spain, but I'm no expert). Maybe a better recognition of languages and particularities (administrative acts in two languages for example)...

Inthelivinfor (50 posts) • 0

I think that nobody watched the video. I am not claiming for independence in this website. I completely support Basque independence, but so far I haven't made any comment about it here, so please be quiet about it.

Back to the topic that I was trying to comment about... big majority of the Basque people support it. Even left and right side was together supporting this cause which is the resolution of the armament conflict. Peace, resolution and human rights.

Off to this topic I won't comment anything as I have been insulted (here) and attacked by private messages by a Spanish speake person.

@ansileran I guess, we miss understood each other. I said extreme right only because I thoughtful you were saying that Europe is unified... And only some kind of unknowledge or extreme right believes would only lead to think Europe is unified. And yes,I know about extreme right and nationalism in Europe...But it is not the same situation in the Basque country.

elia* (1 post) • 0

As a Catalan I have this feeling: different language and culture from many Spaniards, but not only that... as the differences you can find between the north and the south part of any country? probably more and deeply...
And we are part of Spain, a country where a lot of people not only don't understand our feeling but also ignore what we are asking for. is ok....?
I agree.... we could be part of a united Europe, of a united world without borders, a hole entire thing where our thoughts can be respected, where everyone belongs to somewhere and that is not a problem because even you feel this or that, you can think different and express it and it doesn't matter because we are all in the same ship, we are all in this big world to love each other and respect nature... where we have a bank that doesn't steal our houses and where the politicians are not corrupted... so far from where we are right now.
we feel how we feel, and this should not hurt anyone. and yes, some of us want to have our own country, a real new one, with more peace and respect and less old style "democracy" and money priorities... trying to make a better place should not be a problem.

Gompo (152 posts) • 0


As basque from iparalde i dont have same feeling. i would not defend in abolute spain republic (o yeS,by the way it is a republic... who kills republicans?) or french democracy, but you seem overoptimist about euskaldun abilties to manage a country. Just take ecology, in my opinion there is lack of care of euskadi by euskaLdun

urte Berri oN

Inthelivinfor (50 posts) • 0

@laotou thanks for your message. Lately things are getting crazy... Armamentistic fight has been over and many projects are coming up to the frontdoor.

@ansileran The basque community is being oppresed and if you are not able to see it is only because you didnt take care looking for it. Or nobody explained to you.

This week (we could make a huge list) a guy that burned a bus (empty bus) has died in a spanish jail. He has been in jail for 13 years. He died alone 1000km away from home.

@gompo Agur esan beharrean Kaixo esango nuke nik :)

According to the EPI 2013 (epi.yale.edu/) The Southern Basque Region is Leading in Ecological throwput as one of the BEST places in the world. Only Switzerland, Letony and Norway would had better Ecofriendly political-economical-education sistem.
There has been a huge transformation about this topic and affirming there is a lack of ecology in the Southern Basque Country is just not true.


According to your feeling... It is a reality that not all the actual Basque people want or feel the same way. Personally i make a big conexion between this feeling and the knowledge of Basque (it is not always like this...but most of the time).

Not even 700.000 people is able to speak the language properly and we have a 3 million population (also taking you as part of this population). In Iparralde (Northside of the Basque Country- Ruled by Hollande right now) Basque is not even an oficial Language. Among the young generation 2-23 years only the %17 has the possesion of Basque. In the Southern Basque almost 100% would be able to manage with the language (2-25years)

There are Schools that can be given in Basque (full time) but are private and they get not money (or so little money) from the French goverment. Basque language has no protection in France. If you delete a language from its place the only cultural Basque things remaining would only be some tiny traditional activities which would be called Folclore.

A one last thing and i hope you don't mind me telling you this in public... But i have doubst whether you know the meaning of Euskaldun.

The meaning of Euskaldun is someone that is in possesion of the Basque language. Euskal = Basque dun/a = being in possesion of something.

If anyone calls himselve euskaldun but don't speak basque, it is propably due to the confusion that has been generated with this Label on the last decades.

@elia 34 new countries in the world sice 1990. 18 countries if you don't take into account what happened with the URSS.

Nowadays Europe is closing its boundaries more than ever. Inmigrants get a shitty treatment and so on... But Elia you must understand Catalan or Basque nationalism is wrong... The rest are OK.

I believe in micropolitics and i believe that the fight is no longer Between Small and Big. It is turning into fast and slow.

sorry if i didn't reply before but i have out of service for some nice a beatufiul hollidays in Laos.

Laos is a beatiful Country if anyone is wondering.

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