GoKunming Forums

Water randomly shutting off in apartment?

Ouyang (243 posts) • 0

It seems strange they would shut off the water after only one month. It usually takes two or three months of non-payment. I'd make sure you're only paying for your month, and not a previous bill too.

When you sign a rental agreement there should be a section showing reading on all meters. The water company can also provide records for each month. Though in my neighborhood they seem to only bill every other month now. I just pay online through taobao...well, I use taobao to login to zhifubao or something, so technically it might be through zhifubao.

mPRin (821 posts) • 0

How is everyones water today? (solar power) It's been quite sunny today so theoretically we should of been able to get some warm water.. I love Kunming, but this is quite depressing. :'(

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

We are coming up a week without hot water. My (Chinese) wife kicked up a fuss with the neighbourhood maintenance office who put her on to the neighbourhood owner who confirmed they had turned off all the water to the solar heaters for fear of frozen pipes and leaks. My wife offered to write a disclaimer absolving him from any repair costs should the pipes burst and, once done, they promised a maintenance man would turn our water back on (only our flat, mind!). We await confirmation of reconnection. Amazing that some remote guy can decide when OUR flat can receive water from OUR solar tank. TIC

paulb (22 posts) • 0

I can understand turning the water off at night, since it gets below freezing, but why not turn it back on during the day?

serenaLi (20 posts) • 0

It's just because of the snow the other day and the keep going cold weather, so the pipes are frozen or, in a worse case, broken. The water will come back soon, don't worry. But you might want to call your handyman or plumber so that they can check what's wrong with it.

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

Belated update, sorry. Yes, water was turned back on and we have hot (solar/electric) water back again. Hope you fins success too.

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