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Windows 8 is breaking my balls

faraday (213 posts) • 0

I have a chinese Win7 and a US Win8. If I use a SD card in the chinese PC that SD card will no longer work in the Win8 machine.
How can I solve this problem? I need to move files back and forth between the two. Buying a new SD card gave the same result, the Win8 machine says "Driver Error" after the memory card has been in the Win7.

I dont know if this is related to the fact that its two different versions of Windows, or if its due to one PC being chinese.

Generally I would advise everyone to buy a Win7 PC if you can find one anywhere, Win8 is a catastrophe.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

sorry, no idea. why not change to Win 7 if you think Win 8 is the problem? or Linux?

faraday (213 posts) • 0

@tiger, i think i SD card is the same as a thumb drive? I put the SD card in a USB adapter, since neither computer has a SD slot.

@magnifico, I couldnt find an english Win7, but to be sure I will sell both of these and bring my old Win7 on my next trip home.

Win8 RT is a disaster. Cant even play DVD.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

The windows 8 machine might have incorrectly installed the drivers. Have you tried uninstalling the current drivers of the card reader, restarting your computer and manually downloading the windows 8 drivers from the manufacturer's website or the web page of your computer model? Alternatively, you could manually install the windows 7 drivers on the win8 machine in compatibility mode.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

I have windows 8, just gone to 8.1.

Windows 8 is fine, 8.1 much better. But Windows 8 RT is a light version for older/small laptops/some mobile devices. It does not contain all the drivers of the full grown counterpart as manufacturers have built Windows 8 drivers first, neglecting RT drivers for later. So it is likely that as you have Windows 8 RT, it does not contain all the drivers the full version does.

This is an important not to anyone wanting to buy a new machine or OS - do NOT buy one with RT installed as you will likely have the same problems as faraday.

Faraday - you may want to check manufacturers websites for RT drivers. Note that you are looking for Windows 8 RT drivers, not just Windows 8 drivers. RT is based on the ARM processor system, not the x86 architecture which normal windows 8 is based on. Hence the need for different drivers.

faraday (213 posts) • 0

Yankee, blobbles, a major problem with Win8RT is that you can only download and install stuff from the "Windows Store", so manually doing anything with drivers or software is not an option. Its a real shame coz the Lenovo Yoga (the one you can bend back the keyboard and use it as a tablet) is physically a great laptop. I didnt understand any of that stuff about "ARM Processors" and "x86 architecture" when I bought the thing, I doubt many people really understand that.

Now I just had a simple idea to solve my problem, which is to synch both machines with skydrive or google docs.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

Yes, good workaround faraday, I can't believe I didn't suggest this! Call myself an IT guy *grumbling at his own inadequacy*

Keep the laptop, it is likely in the future these drivers will come out, its just the manufacturers haven't gotten around to it yet. I wasn't aware that it all had to go through the Windows 8 store for RT, it certainly doesn't for the x86 version. Basically the difference between these is on the inside with the type of brain in the thing, they are different hence need different operating systems to function. Which is why its called "Windows 8 RT" and not just "Windows 8".

jopasny (184 posts) • 0

I despise windows 8... I had to reinstall windows 7 onto my laptop, but I'm glad I did.

On that note, I have a line on Windows 7 ultimate copies. To make a long story short, the company I'm working for laid off a lot of staff and is getting rid of computers in my office. There are a handful of them that had windows 7 ultimate (stickers with the keys still ont he units). The HDDs, however, have all been physically destroyed and the computers will be donated, but people are free to take whatever they want in the meantime. For me this means all those windows stickers/keys. You can download the ISO, then activate with the key and voila, Windows 7. Best of all, they're legit copies (mulitlingual) and you will never get a conflict of keys being used on multiple machines. Nobody actually knows me, so there is some trust involved, but I'm happy to help with the install when I arrive in KM in 2 months, just let me know.

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