GoKunming Forums

Looking for good sound recorder

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

I'm looking to borrow or buy a sound recorder that won't distort heavy basses. I'd need to go record sound in a night club. Anyone have one I could borrow for a day?

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

have you thought about taking a feed direct from the mixing desk? if you are recoring from the room then the biggest source of problems is the mic. getting a pro mike, even an old SureSM78 will make a big difference. a boom mic on a stick (looks like a dead ferret) will also cut out the crowd noise crap.

jopasny (184 posts) • 0

The Zoom H2N is a great multipurpose recorder. Not sure if it would suit your needs, but it can be plugged right into a mixing board too. I've used it for interviews, performances, jams and practices, and it's great. Worth checking out... not sure where you can find it in KM. If I was there already I'd let you borrow mine, but won't be for another 2 months.


Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

You can get a sound recorder online at amazon.cn or tmall.com.

Also, I was at Gome the other day and saw some sound recorders.

BKlove (10 posts) • 0

Are there places in Kunming selling electronics like the Zoom H2N, or even basic adaptor cables? I strolled the guitar district shops near Yunnan University but they pretty just sold guitars and related products. Couldn't even find a basic RCA cable.

Magnifico, is Gome a store in Kunming?

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

Gome is 国美 in Chinese, there are several departments but like all mainland Chinese electronics shops, they are way too expensive.

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