GoKunming Forums

How is Chenggong shaping up?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I see in another post that CG now has supermarkets etc. I assume the poster lives there.
I am interested in comments from those who know the area well, rather than others who just have opinions from sometimes out of date info.

How is CG developing?
What supermarkets are there?
How many expats now living there?
How many families live are there in the area?
Approx occupancy rates, and how has this changed in the last year?
That kind of info is of real interest to me.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

CG is developing wonderfully. There are many chinese supermarkets everywhere and there are more expats living near the university area. There are only 3 families here now in this area. There are still many empty new houses but at least the rent is cheaper then in Kunming.

bucko (696 posts) • 0

Food more fresh and cheaper. Many great restaurants. Quiet. No traffic. Cleaner air.

I don't regret moving out here at all.

finlay (10 posts) • 0

Does anyone have recent info on the 'Kunming International Clinic',
I've been repeatedly dialing 411-0100 and I've been receiving "out of service". This is the number listed here on gokunming.

Yann_mahe (3 posts) • 0

Cheng gong is a beautiful place to live. The air quality is better than in KM, you have all the facilities in the university city you would need : sports playground, parks, restaurants, bar ... There's a nice place in front of 理工大学 called Cafe de Paris where you can find decent burgers and pizzas as well as a good selection of imported beers for a good price. There are many expats here : french, american, thai. The area is moving quickly and becomes very attractive.
If you have any other question, let me know i live there for the momenet

Vanessa5 (2 posts) • 0

i dont think CG is livable. few citizens but students. especially in the college town, no place for recreation, no malls for shopping. i dont like there

kingofthekerb (131 posts) • 0

^^ there's at least one mall, Shi Lin Jie, for shopping, plus many supermarkets. many many many very decent bars, quite lively during the school semester, not as much during the holidays...

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