GoKunming Forums

Standing at an impasse, need some advice or pep talk~

dm-01 (9 posts) • 0

It was my first post, but I never said it was my first time on this forum. For month I've been gratefully reading posts from this site and realized how friendly and helpful the people on this site can be (apparently with few exceptions) and maybe I can get BROADER perspective from here as well.

I guess the word TRUST is not the first thing on your mind, but as I mentioned before, I got emotional and wrote a lengthy post which should have been much more brief to avoid wild speculation.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

Most of the friendly and helpful threads on here usually turn into debates and clash of egos.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Most of us are friendly and helpful. But after living in China for almost 10 years I will confess to having trust issues. I am sure that I am not alone on here.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

Wow dm-01, if you are Chinese, your English is really good! About the best I have read in China, were you educated in the west?

I second the starting your own business idea. If you are finance person, there is a whole lot of HEM (Hot Eastcoast Money) coming into Kunming and generally the west of China, I am sure you may be able to think of something along the lines of being a East-West China contact, particularly if you have contacts in Beijing. Then again the long hours of a startup business can not be conducive in spending time with a dying relative.

Another English training school? Not a terrible idea...

tommann (423 posts) • 0

I think the best thing you can do, is to move to Beijing WITH your father, work for a few months, maybe a year, and save enough money to come back to Kunming and start a business. Make sure you tell your father that Beijing is ONLY temporary.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

If departing Kunming is not an option, then start a taobao business. You will work extremely hard, but can schedule your own hours more or less, and the number of taobao millionaires is extraordinary. Sourcing is an issue, but as a local who is well educated and lived in a major tier1 city before, you'll be able to think of something.

Just one example of many (vpn required)

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

The only suspicious thing I see on this thread is the suspicious readers who are always ready to think the worst and assume without any evidence.

What really amazes me is that this chinese person obviously writes much better then many of the native english speakers who comment on this forum. I am bewildered by the many people here whose fingers work faster then their brains and they hit the send button without even taking a moment to proofread the garbage they just typed. I recal someone who took the time to write a sentence apologizing for their terrible spelling rather then just fixing the spelling error.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Isn't it 'recall' rather than 'recal'? Ha..ha. The person said that he/she was born and raised in Kunming. The way this person writes is why I'm suspicious but hey, it's just my opinion and we all know what they say about opinions: "Opinions are like assholes. We all got them and they all stink". Ha.Ha.. Peace out!

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Who goes on the internet for the first time and asks complete strangers questions? Well, Just about the majority of the people here who come to ask frivolous questions. As I mentioned before, this forum serves 2 purposes; information and entertainment from the morons. For once I am in agreement with Magnifico - Don't you have a friend in real life who can help you. I ask myself this question every time someone asks about which bus to take or what to order at a restaurant.

Liumingke1234 - thank you for proving my point. I specifically left one word mispelled to show what a normal typing error looks like and you diligently found it. If only everyone who wrote on this forum was equally diligent when they spew their thoughts onto the keyboard.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

First I think you did the right thing. YOur Dad needed/needs help and you are there for him. You just did the right thing.
About jobs, I am sure with your experience and pay you can demand a certain level of salary. And in the last few years they jobs with good pay have been on the rise.

Plus if you have to go and travel to Beijing and get settled there, that would only put a bigger dent in your savings. Kunming has a much better vibe, less stress and I think a lot of good doctors here as well that know how to treat your fathers disease.

So keep your head up and wait for the right moment and the right job, that will continue the career that you had to put on hold.

There is so much international trade and finance here, there should be job around for you somewhere.
Plus if Kunming doesn;t have anything for you Check out Xishaunbana and Chengdu I know a lot of business guys working out of kunming and flying back on weekends.

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