GoKunming Forums

subtitles for films

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

noticed Robert's school is showing a movie with english and mandarin subtitles.

does anyone know how to do this?

what's the easiest way to get both the english and chinese subtitles at the same time for a film? I use VLC media player and it only reads 1 .srt file at a time.

cuihulongjing (46 posts) • 0

VLC is tricky with subtitles...

use MPC Home Cinema (a classic media player mod), just make sure the subtitle file name is the same as the media file name and it will play it automatically. Depending on whether it's Trad or Simp characters you might need to switch between BIG5 and GB under subtitles -> styles

For d/ling subtitles the best site is shooter.cn, alot of the subtitles are

Good luck.

Ouyang (243 posts) • 0

I've used shooter.cn and subom.net to get subtitles. Most movies have subtitles in .ass or .srt format with Chinese and English already combined.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

haha, .ass format. love it!

ok, thanks i'll try out your suggestions and let you when i can't figure out any of them.

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