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Air quality.

blue. (170 posts) • 0

then ignorant means "who doesn't know" ; don't take it personally Magnifico, you simply don't know.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

There was several videos posted on Youtube showing so called 'snow' that burns. Since when does water burns? They are messing around with our atmosphere sickening the population. This is not conspiracy it's a fact. High rates of asthma and autism is not a coincidence.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

i've seen photos. i don't normally stop to stare at the sky.

so it's PROOF that there are chemicals up there? which chemicals? how do you know?

and it's proof that it's being used to block the sun?

blue. (170 posts) • 0

I saw with my eyes chemtrials in Milan-Italy, almost every day, for several years.
Imagine 20 lines crossing in the sky.
Block the sun??
Aluminium for your lungs!!!

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

how do you know it's aluminum? alex jones told you? he looks like an ex-convict.

asthma is likely caused primarily by diet and pollution that human beings are causing with their living habits. i had breathing problems in beijing, not here.

it's convenient to blame the govt for all the world's problems, though.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Simple questions any intelligent person can answer

1 - Did airplanes make persistent Contrails (chemtrails) before 1990s?

2 - Why are there no chemtrails in Asia?

3 - What is Geo-Engineering?

4 - What is (SRM) Solar Radiation Management (Global Dimming or Solar Obscuration)?

5 - What is (SAG) Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering?

6 - Do not need to rely on Alex Jones since there are patents for all these technologies.


Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0


Conspiracy Claims
a. Chemtrails last longer than contrails

Contrails fade away in a couple of minutes, whereas "chemtrails" remain in the air for hours. This is the biggest claim that the "chemtrailers" get wrong. Contrails may persist in the sky for hours, and they have done so since the inventions of jets. Various photographs, newspaper clippings and scientific articles[1][2][2b] from and before the 1970's are good evidence that this is true. Two photographic example can be seen below, but there are dozens more[3].

And you can study this too. Go outside every day and take pictures of the sky. Record when you see persistent contrails, and compare these observations to information that can be found on a weather site like weather.com. Persistent contrails will form when the temperature and humidity are at certain conditions.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@HFCampo: Answer to question 1. is yes. I'm not intelligent enough to answer the other questions, and I don't understand Question #6.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

There is this thing called READING, maybe you heard about it. It is how most intelligent people learn and get information. Try researching and reading.

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