wut happened to the end of the world O(∩_∩)O~
wut happened to the end of the world O(∩_∩)O~
Jessie Ventura, All star wrestling, actor, politician, conspiracy theorist. Laughing all the way to the bank, need i say more.
@HFCampo: Sorry, I still don't understand why metal particulates in the air won't blow away like everything else (dust, etc.) in the air.
it's coal, stupid! Coal power stations producing cheap (but filthy) energy provides most of China's energy demands and pollutes the whole world, especially the west coast of the USA. Fossil fuels create acid rain. Acid rain leaches minerals from the soil and rock, including, yes you guessed it, Aluminium. Soooo easy to debunk the crazy chemtrails theory. Enough talking about it.
yes, enough to talk with empty heads.
chemtrails, shmemtrails.
how's this for a creepy conspiracy?
the new "Amazon Echo" - a permanent eavesdropping device in your home that records all your conversations and sends them to the cloud.
HAARP = High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - US PATENT 4,686,605 - Bernard Eastlund -
Have you seen the movie about Tesla, guys?
Which Tesla? Tesla the inventor or Tesla the e-car company? Obviously, I've seen neither.
HAARP is based on Tesla technology?
the problem with HAARP is that every time there's an earthquake, conspiracy guys are claiming it was caused by HAARP. nature doesn't cause earthquakes? not anymore?
and .... a patent doesn't prove the technology is being used, functional, causing earthquakes.