Ok so before my husband and I came to Kunming, we bought a voltage converter from Walmart. But after we got here and tried it out, it doesn't work. It was $50 from Walmart, does anyone know if the Walmart here in Kunming would return something like that so we can get our money back and get another converter? Or where could we get a relatively cheap converter that would work? I would be willing to buy it from someone if you aren't using one. I brought over a baby bullet and baby steamer for my 5 month old son to make food and I can't make any food until I get a converter! Advice please??
Well forget the refund or exchange at Walmart part.
I would have Chinese friends order one for you on taobao.com.
It should exist in Kunming, but finding the small shop that sells it will be difficult, even with the help of Chinese friends as they would never be in need of one of those.
Or if you are in a rush, try the Suning stores around Renmin Zhonglu. Or Metro, in the section near the entrance
I bought one at the B&Q in Xiamen for 100 rmb. I am sure that they have them here although that was almost two years ago so the price is surely higher.
Go to the electrical department. You'll have to search around.
B&Q is modeled on Home Depot.
The one I have goes to 100 watts so it runs small appliances only. I use it for my printer/scanner, coffee grinder and the like.
Larger units, about 1600-2000w can be had for about 300rmb. I know Remi and Paul bought one for their shop from a local guy. You can also find them on Jin Dong but I can't find it now.
Baby bullet and baby steamer?
When I read this I was wandering what the hell these things are. Googled it and found out that it are American ????????????????
Anyway. Don't look any longer for a voltage converter. In many shops you can buy these very popular devises that Chinese use to blend and cook food. (Blender/cookers I call them). Does the same thing.
And steaming things was invented by the Chinese and there are various local ways of doing it.
There are/were some at carrefour a few month back.
Go on taobao there they have universal converters but be careful as other posters mentioned, for stronger appliances you need a tougher converter.
Also you could try the electronics market on Yi-er-yi street. So far I found most of the stuff there.
Sometimes those little 2 kuai fixing shops have some useful stuff, too. You could give those things a try as well.