GoKunming Forums

Is it just me, or?

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0


That is fine, you have your viewpoints and enititled to them and I have mine.

Let's just end this with a handshake and move on to enjoying the weather in Kunming.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

"What a charming ad, sounds like just the sort of place I'd like to send my kids. Actually I'm quite surprised the mods are OK with this, given their penchant for editing, deleting, and disappearing comments..."

It's a never ending issue. When people will appear to forget or lose interest in it, it happens again. And again.
I usually associate the way people go against morals, ethics and rules here to how drivers and pedestrians always test how effective are those who are in charge of enforcing those codes until the people get sanctioned. Then they test them again until immoral, unethical or chaotic behaviours are accepted out of boredom and become the norm.

BillDan (268 posts) • 0

I have seen ads looking for pole to teach kids under one year "and less". I asked my wife about the less part and yes, they have people actually get paid for reading and speaking in English to a pregnant women's belly here. Guess the kid will pop out sounding like Tom Hanks or Richard Burton, depending on the teacher's background.

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