GoKunming Forums

Good tablet store & brand?

Wzshop (1 post) • 0

I would like to buy a tablet in kunming. I am looking for a good but cheap (chinese) brand. Where can i find a tablet store and when i buy a Chinese brand, would it be easily possible to translate the software in english?

Thanks a lot!

tommann (423 posts) • 0

You might check out the computer market on the street off of 一二一大街. Someone here will know the name of the street. If your Chinese is ok, and your bargaining skills are ok, you can find anything you could ever want there, and they can help you get it into English. Good luck!

Silvio DaVinci (282 posts) • 0

My advice: check if you can get a netbook instead (Lenovo is a good local brand). They can be cheaper than tablets and some have touchscreen too nowadays.
Why netbook?
- Install any kind of software (no compatibility problems) - no buying from app stores.
- More processing power if you have to do some photoshopping.
- More storage (especially if you have a lot of photos of your stay/trip in Kunming / Yunnan).
- Keyboard
- USB (VERY handy if your phone dies but your netbook still has power. You can plug in your phone and charge it). It also allows you to connect your photo camera to actually transfer your photos. Considering most camera's don't have wifi build in, how do you intend to get your photos to your tablet?
- Not all hotels and accommodations have wireless in China. If you can plug in an internet cable you can use internet. No tablets have internet plugs as far as I know (only wifi).
Just a couple reasons :) I do love tablets! for playing games when traveling ^_^

tommann (423 posts) • 0

Silvio, can you recommend a netbook with enough power to edit photos and some video? I am looking for something very portable like that.

habanero (3 posts) • 0

Have you considered a Microsoft Surface Pro?

One photographer's experience:

Silvio DaVinci (282 posts) • 0

You can video edit on some netbooks and tablets. Mostly they are some kind of (basic) apps. If you aim to use advanced video editing software such as Premiere, Avid, FCP, then no, these usually don't work on those kind of devices as they are too powerful (processors are incompatible).
But you can buy I3 laptops which are as compact as netbooks and do have enough power for everything. They aren't more expensive than some tablets. Cheaper than an IPad even.

Silvio DaVinci (282 posts) • 0

PS: if you get a netbook or laptop, get one with an I processor.
If it runs windows 7, you need 3gb memory or more for photoshop and video editing.
Windows 8: no idea how intensive that is as it is also available for tablets.

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