GoKunming Forums

Making money

faraday (213 posts) • 0

Any suggestions or proven examples of how to make a half-decent income in KM without becoming an employee? Selling stuff to folks back home via the web is the most obvious, but I've met a lot who tried and failed - not sure why, really. Anyhow, all input welcome.

escortboy (1 post) • 0

What kind of question is that? We all look for a way to make good and fast money. Who would share this kind of information to the public? Good luck dude.

faraday (213 posts) • 0

I should have added, I also don't want to become a rentboy.

I would'nt agree that everyone is looking for ways to make good fast money. Short-term thinking is probably the reason so many of those I've met failed and continue to fail. Personally, I don't need the money but it would be nice to have an interesting and slightly profitable enterprise. In Europe I've met dozens of Chinese people who run successful sideline businesses and they have no problem being transparent, because they're genuinely adding value by providing a product or service in a convenient/cheap way, and have built relationships and ways-of-working which cannot be copy-pasted.

culture (51 posts) • 0

how about start your own english classes and teach at ...say 200 yuan plus an hour, and work a bunch of hours will add money to your account quickly, but you do need to do a good job in advertisement and have enough students who would come to you thou, hope it works.

faraday (213 posts) • 0

Indeed, to be a teacher is a good idea for most people but I don't think i'm cut out for it, and I'm not qualified (though i did teach statistics in SH a few years ago). I also understand that the requirements changed recently to block unqualified teachers, and rightly so.

I've just read a post about smuggling avocados across the vietnam border, not THATS an idea i like :)

Another one i like the sound of is hiring architects in china to draw designs and alterations to buildings in the west.

Im not good looking enough to be a gigolo.

YuantongsiYuantongsi (717 posts) • 0

rent some land in a warmer part of Yunnan. Plant avacado trees. Teach English for three years then start selling avacados, become insanly rich overnight then migrate to the USA

bucko (695 posts) • 0

How about going down to the walking street and do the robot thing standing on a box? You could wear some crazy costume, paint your skin gold and just stand around to make some money.

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