GoKunming Forums

Avacados, with a big catch.

Ben Dover (12 posts) • 0

When will this madness end, they have created an avocado bubble.. This could spiral out of control.
Won't someone think of the children!!!

blobbles (958 posts) • 0


bjtokm (193 posts) • 0

"I recently saw avocados in carrefour, they were in a pack of two for about 25kuai"

The carrefour near the Laos embassy has them for this price often.
Also I have gotten them in jinghong for about 7-10 rmb a kilo. Was just in Vietnam and they are at every market in every city i went to! so it must be the season now!

jonna.d (6 posts) • 0

The truth is I don't think people are actually eating avocados here, although I read something back in the states said Yunnan is one of the places in China that growing their own avocados. Anything labeled as healthy food can be a big ripoff on the price, if you take a look at the health supplement in the drugstore you will know what I am talking about. Fortunately I won't be here for so long and I can restart my avocado diet back to the states later.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

For someone who has just arrived, you know more about Kunming than people who have lived here for several years. Thank you for your input.

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