I've just got my foreigner health check results (applying for a Z visa).
The issues are (under "General comments"):
- "ECG: Occasional supraventricular extrasystole. Take regular follow-up by ECG"
- "Urine routine abnormal, Reexamine is suggested"
Will these be an issue when applying for a Z visa ?
All the other tests are OK, no STDs etc.
I checked on the net, the ECG thing is nothing to be worried about, the urine thing is probably a result of my diet, so also- nothing serious, but how do visa authorities look at these ?
Could be a bladder infection, could be an kidney problem, could be nothing! Heath care in Kunming is pretty shitty. Maybe just take the test again? different hospital?
No no no, nothing bladder- or kidney- related.
I'm not concerned with my health, just with my visa...
if you did not pass the heath check you may not be able to get the visa! So for heath or for your visa, sounds like you need to retest! I would do it at a different place ...could be a scam where they fail you so you come back and spend the money again!(if you are healthy) If you fail at another hospital...maybe you should be concerned?
You need proper advice ref visa. It does not sound like you have failed, they have just picked up a couple of things, and suggested remedial action.
Ask the test centre if you need treatment and re-test for visa.
I don't suspect scam unless they say 'you must go to this hospital and see this (specific) doctor.'
Even those with HIV can get a visa now.
How can you determine whether you passed or failed ?
I got the "Health examination record" and the "Certificate of health examination" (little brown book). Neither of them says "pass" or "fail" anywhere...
On a visa medical "scorecard" I once had a recorded pulse of 36, massive gallstones, TB scars, and perfect eyesight (even though I know I don't) and had my visa approved. The next year (same medical centre) my pulse was 68, the gallstones had gone, scars disappeared, and my sight was back where it should be.
Like many things here, its all a hazy mystery, and the truth is somewhat irrelevant...
I was told I was overweight. And I am. So they must know what they're doing.